For example, I don’t use TikTok. I never have, and I never will, and I’d advise everyone else to get off the platform too. I genuinely believe it’s objectively harmful to people’s mental health and possibly even a threat to democracy. That said, I also believe people should be free to decide for themselves whether they want to use it or not, which is why I’m against the U.S. government banning it.
I think many people on here, me included, would rather be using Reddit simply because of all the content.
Honestly tho it’s been downhill over there. I’m getting old reddit vibes here and I’m cool with never posting on reddit ever again.
Reddit is still better for communities based around hobbies (at the moment at least) just due to it’s shear size.
Look at the actual engagement on those hobby subreddits. Dont let the thousands of followers fool you. The big subreddits got bigger, but the smaller ones got smaller. I see niche groups with thousands of followers, but posts rarely break 100 upvotes/10 comments. Reddit is a hollowing shell right now.
I saw a post about Kids In The Hall on this site the other day. Go see how popular that is on reddit. You just gotta believe.
That’s actually a really good point.
Agree, hate to admit I sometimes still go there (no login) to check certain communities because they are completely dead on Lemmy.
Idk why ppl can’t just Google it get the info and leave.
Not that complicated. No one is forcing you to join.
I find discord servers are filling that in much better for me
I’m probably behind the times. How do you find stuff on discord?
Garbage is more entertaining than the same 5 political posts reposted between 40 instances and the only OC being posts that bitch about Reddit. This place is NOTHING like old reddit.
Sorry but not sorry, this place is borderline worthless. Until sometime figures it how to keep every sub becoming a commission echo chamber this is an interesting experiment that is dead in the water.
It’s not that bad, stop being a doomer. It’s better than reddit is right now at least.
Ironic language. Didn’t be a dinner. That could fix up the place.
Block political communities
Block !
And if you really think this place is worthless, why are you still here?
no one’s forcing you to be here talking about reddit
Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize stating the reality precluded me from having an interest in an open protocol or interest in seeing these communications evolve.
I guess my responding to the delusional post above was out of line and totally off topic 🙄
I interpreted “old reddit vibes” to be more about there being an actual discourse on posts more than being about the subject matter of the posts. If you look at the comments on reddit, they all just agree with each other because they’re the most popular opinions so they get the most upvotes. The thing I like about here is that I can still read that popular comment, but there are few enough total comments that scrolling down a bit leads to discussions that would have been buried in downvotes there. But since they didn’t define “old reddit vibes” I could be misinterpreting as easily as you!
This site being small really lends to the individual experience. Misinformation isn’t on max here yet.
You do realize the entire format of reddit is designed to make “echo chambers”. Every single reddit sub is an echo chamber and users have no options. At least here people can do what they want with no one to tell them how to run their community.
The only way to stop it from being a commission echo chamber is to push back or post the opposite stuff. They don’t run many of the communities here like they do on reddit. The good thing about lemmy is getting downvoted doesn’t restrict your usage of the site so you can make unpopular opinions without getting timed out like on reddit.
And yet, it has more content and diversity 🤷♂️
The people are the problem.
yeah it does but i dont think the people are the problem. Reddit has been around long, its a for profit company. It exploded in popularity at a time when there was no competition and now its entrenched itself as a dominate site that will be almost impossible to kill.
Thanks to Lemmy, I don’t feel a need to return to Reddit, but I agree that we’re still essentially in “pale imitation” territory and I’m not sure if that will ever change.
In Twitter terms, it’s like everyone left for Mastodon but are really just waiting for a Bluesky to come around. I’d prefer to keep whatever platform I use open and free, but I’d like “approachable and vibrant” along with it if possible, which Lemmy is still struggling to accomplish.
Maybe you just need to take a break from your phone for a few hours?
Also, check out different sorting methods (like most comments 6/12 hours)
Then why are you here bitching about it?
Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize stating the reality precluded me from having an interest in an open protocol or interest in seeing these communications evolve.
If you hate a thing, it’s really easy to avoid it usually, particularly in this case
This is what I’m seeing here.
“Lemmy would be better if it wasn’t an echo chamber. There’s no variety in opinion.”
“Well, if you don’t agree with us you can leave!”
Where “agree” means “don’t find it to be a shitty platform”
And some variety in the userbase as well. This is quite the echo chamber. Not that reddit wasn’t but Lemmy is even worse in that sense.
Fuck reddit for several reasons, among them that it’s too big.
That bigness is bad in a lot of ways, but it’s great for niche content. A big platform makes big communities horrible cesspools, but it makes small obscure communities actual communities
Reddit as a site is superior to Lemmy, but ever since all the trash have flooded that place, I decided to leave. What I’m saying is that I would pbviously choose Reddit if we’d ignore the kind of people that are frequenting it, but since you can’t really ignore them when it comes to a social media, I use this site instead.
Username checks out
I think I’ve seen a fuckspez account on here as well
This is me. But fuck Reddit.
I use Lemmy on mobile and (old.)reddit on desktop. They both serve their purpose and I have no complex about it.
I prefer the content, but reddit as a service is absolute garbage. I still check in on it every once in a while because there’s a question or something I see the answer to after googling it and I can’t stand browsing there for more than a minute or two.
The sponsored content and ads are just everywhere and disguised like user accounts making a post or comment and it’s infuriating. You can’t even use reddit on your phone unless you download their app, browsing the web version is practically impossible because “they can’t confirm you are over 18 for some of the content” as if they can confirm your age through the app and they don’t care if you are on desktop.
Reddit is a garbage company when it comes to their users, they quickly became one of my top most despised companies up there with nestle
I’ll be 100% transparent, should third party apps be allowed back I’d go immediately back. There just isn’t much hobby related stuff here yet. I don’t have the time or care to “be the change I wanna see”
I mean, yeah, obviously if they change the decision that made me leave I’ll go back.
Nah. Smaller community is better. This site reminds me of old (old old old) reddit.
I do still use reddit for porn though. Until they do away with old.reddit
I’m here for the distinct lack of content. I can browse for a bit, hit the bedrock loop of top 6hr, and come back hours later. It’s not endless here… And it shouldn’t be.
If I need info for a niche, I’ll find a forum. Lemmy, reddit, etc are poor places for such things anyway.
I always try to use Lemmy, but Reddit is always more attractive to me because:
The Sync for Reddit app works way better than Sync for Lemmy (I understand there are a lot of clients for Lemmy, which is good, but my brain got so used to it that I always struggle with other apps).
I never used Reddit to browse mainstream media (like r/all) I always browse subreddits I liked and created multi subreddits of them, some examples of them:
Handhelds (SBCgaming, 3DS, PsVita, nds, PSP etc).
Media (Piracy, Arr stack, Stremio add-ons, Kodi add-ons etc).
As you can see none of those communities or similar are particularly big, so I think they have entirely enshitified… (Maybe just r/piracy lol).
I think all drugs should be legal. I think using most of them is a bad idea.
I think the usage of all drugs should be legal, but I don’t think the sale or the production of all drugs should be legal.
Stop arresting people who are addicted to the stuff and just arrest the people who are spreading it around.
And no arresting people for “intent to sell” just because they have a lot. Do some actual detective work and catch them actually selling it.
The illegality of production and sale makes the drugs far more likely to be adulterated or a concentration other than advertised, which kills people. Prohibition causes black markets, which leads to people resolving disputes through violence since they can’t use the courts.
Legalization would make all of that go away, almost instantly.
I’ve been saying this for years. Not only that but once legal and in the regular market, companies are held liable for any additives not clearly labeled. No cutting your heroin with fentanyl unless you label it as such (bonus points if you have to give ratios of each ingredient) but aren’t on the hook if someone goes against label usage.
This protects both the consumer and provider.
Similarly, we should fully legalize prostitution. Want to kill the sex trafficking problem? Legalize prostitution, allow the workers to unionize, get legal support, and other securities that the normal blue and white collar workers have.
In a win for unionizing sex work (albeit in a different form than prostitution), a group of strippers in a Portland Oregon strip club have unionized!
That’s actually fucking dope. Anyone know how the union is doing ~1 year later?
I can’t speak to that, though I tried to look them up and find out but there are just a couple of articles from a year ago. But they basically just joined a much larger union of 50k+ actors and stage workers. I imagine they’re making headway.
Yes, I omitted that I didn’t think all production should be illegal but it should require standards and permits at least. No one should be producing them in a home made lab for example if they intend to sell it to others and all sales should be through pharmacies and legitimate businesses.
Yeah, what you want is called legalization.
That’s comparable to alcohol. I’d be good with that.
I am with you on this. Never tried any, and have absolutely no interest. And yet, the prohibition does more harm than good.
I argue that prohibition would’ve been more successful if it wasn’t radicalized and extreme. That is what it’s problem was and why so many were against it and it fell apart.
The number of people addicted to caffeine I have met is higher than any other drug. People openly talk about caffeine headaches around me and I’m always left wondering why they don’t just stop consuming so much of it.
Then again I also don’t understand the taking Advil/Aleve/Motrin/Aspirin/Tylenol and such all the time. I can understand taking them for irregular occurrences or even regular ones like cramps, but if a doctor isn’t telling you to take multiple pills daily, there is probably something else going on.
I’m not gay and I think everyone should be able to be so gay that it is in your face just to root out what is wrong with the people that don’t accept it
This. It’s the easiest way to find intolerant individuals. Those individuals are very rarely just anti-LGBTQ from my experience. They’re most often intolerant of everyone not like them.
A lot of them are in fact queer but they’re so repressed that the only way they perceive they have to keep being a part of their community is to be as homophobic as possible
I mean, remember when the Grindr servers crashed at the republican national convention or some shit because of the overflow of traffic?
My theory is THAT’S why they say being gay is a choice.
They themselves are CHOOSING to be straight, and they assume that EVERYONE is feeling the same way and successfully fighting the gay urges. It’s no fair that the “Pride” crew gets to flaunt all that delicious man meat instead of hiding and suffering like “the rest of us”.
Something just clicked for me after reading this. The reason people always say things like “don’t shove your gayness in my face” is that seeing gayness forces them to think about their intolerance (and of course stirs up fears about they themselves being gay).
Well said.
Right for “criminals” to vote. Laws are some kind of consensus, if you start removing people that can have an opinion on it, it slowly ends up stop being a consensus, and are more like the opinions of the ones that managed to stay afloat during the trip.
What? Criminals can be voted into the office, but cannot vote?
In some states in the US, yes.
Funny theyre still calling it democracy
“If you have to ask if you’re the asshole, imagine what the world would like be if everyone did it.”
I firmly believe this in my core, and it applies to almost anything: standing in doorways, camping in a corner in online shooters, veering between lanes without signaling while driving, stealing, throwing trash on the ground, etc.
BUT I am far from perfect. I eat meat despite being an animal lover, I am somewhat wasteful, I can be quick to anger, I support unethical companies that I hate, and I don’t keep in touch with old friends and family. Stuff like that…
This is a very relatable comment. I think a lot of the reason I am so angry is how selfishly people act though. I think it makes me a worse person to observe that kind of shit. I’m sure the anger makes me more selfish too, ironically.
And the fact that Donald Trump won the election in America kind of proves how pathetically selfish a huge swath of Americans are. This and 2016 and 2020 shouldn’t have been anywhere near close, 10% of votes is the highest number of votes he could’ve gotten without making me upset. But people don’t give a shit about the harm to others, as long as they think they’re not being harmed…
Damn, I think you distilled it better than me: selfishness.
But someone needs to look out for the white male billionaires! What about THEIR struggles?!?
Seems like basic “golden rule” shit.
One of the few valuable biblical lessons, and coincidentally, one of the easiest to teach a person without needing any religion whatsoever.
I don’t like abortion, I have grave qualms about it. I’m also vehemently pro-choice.
until we live in a society where being pregnant and giving birth does not endanger your health, security, and social status, prohibiting abortion simply can’t be an option.
I just think people should go to doctors, discuss what they think is best for their life, and do what they think is best for themselves. Doctors have licenses and review boards, those boards will see what practices are occuring and make research driven decisions on whether someone is practicing medicine in a way that is improper and revoke their license. Politicians aren’t licensed medical doctors, and shouldn’t have any say in what you and your doctor decides is the best course for you.
If someone wants to have an arm sewn onto their forehead, and a doctor discussed it with them and found somehow that was possibly the healthiest option for them, then who the fuck am I to say anything about it.
The problem here is “abortion” gets conflated with “reproductive health care”. There are all sorts of reasons a woman might require aborting a pregnancy that have nothing to do with birth control.
My daughter had an ectopic pregnancy about 10 years ago. The procedure she underwent would be considered an abortion, even though there was no chance of survival. She was concerned the procedure would affect her ability to become pregnant later. But now I have 2 year old granddaughter that loves popcorn and 3d printed flexi animals and getting bopped in the head with marshmallow toys.
I truly believe in Scrum, as it can make a team’s work very efficient when it’s done right. Been there, done that.
Now the thing is, it forces people to actively collaborate, and I’m quite an introverted person. Also, a good Scrum workflow includes regular demo sessions (perhaps even with customers), and I absolutely hate that. But I accept it, it’s part of the game and I think it did contribute to my own self improvement as well.
IMHO Scrumban is more efficient. Proper Scrum has way too many overheads.
Jury Nullification
That goes against your personal preferences?
For me as well at least a little bit. I feel like there should be another option. Doesn’t really sit well with me that a handful of random people can let someone walk free even if they clearly broke the law. It’s unlikely to happen successfully but what if they are all threatened or bribed?
It has been absued against the pedons…
We just now ready to abuse it against the rich parasites 🐸
Step 1: look at the question that this thread is asking
Step 2: look at my post and pretend that I am providing my answer to it
I think honesty is the best policy even when it sucks for me, because that’s the only way to actually grow and improve myself. The real world is infinite, but lies don’t lead to anything.
I’m with you on this one. I tell the truth even when it’s potentially harmful to me. However, it also holds you accountable because it prevents one from doing things they would have the urge to lie about in the future.
Also, not lying doesn’t mean radical honesty. Just that you don’t say things that are untrue. I think lying is only acceptable when used to prevent violence - kind of like violence is also acceptable when defending yourself. So if there are nazies on the door asking wether you have Anne Frank on the attic, it’s okay to lie.
I try to avoid lying, but I’m happy to leave out the truth, or imply a lie without actually saying it if telling the full truth would lead to harm.
I think that my core stance of "as long as you’re not harming anyone else doing it whatever someone does in their free time is fine with me. There’s times when I do question why someone would want to do something, but as is my core principle, In fine with it.
The democrats are largely controlled by corporate shills but I think if they had like 12 years in office we could wrench the country back on a reasonable path.
I’m pro choice even though I’m philosophically and morally against abortion.
To clarify I believe the woman’s right and ability to choose is more important than any opinion or argument I can muster against abortion.
As in it is far worse to have a governing body adjudicate or decide what an individual can do to their own body vs. the potential for life and or what the father might want for their unborn child.
I wish more people could differentiate between having an opinion and trying to force everyone else to live according to that opinion.
Not sure if that’s a popular opinion here. But I’d say eating animals, eggs, cheese and drinking milk is an obvious one. Especially considering how these animals are generally treated. That’s not ethical in my eyes. Edit: But I read your question again and missed the last part, sorry. I still do it, but I don’t think it’s the right thing to do. So I might have missed the point.
Best to do what you think is right … as for Democracy, it’s a good idea, I hope we’ll see it show up one of these days. ‘All men are created equal’ … but then someone’s gotta pick the crops.
I too crave violence, yet consider it to be the worse choice at the same time. If peaceful reasoning cannot win against violence, then we’ve already lost as a civilization pursuing a higher state. Because in doing as such, no matter how far we travel, that higher state can only ultimately be violence.