What is a stance you hold that goes against your personal preferences but you believe is the right thing to do? - eviltoast

For example, I don’t use TikTok. I never have, and I never will, and I’d advise everyone else to get off the platform too. I genuinely believe it’s objectively harmful to people’s mental health and possibly even a threat to democracy. That said, I also believe people should be free to decide for themselves whether they want to use it or not, which is why I’m against the U.S. government banning it.

  • MooseTheDog@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Look at the actual engagement on those hobby subreddits. Dont let the thousands of followers fool you. The big subreddits got bigger, but the smaller ones got smaller. I see niche groups with thousands of followers, but posts rarely break 100 upvotes/10 comments. Reddit is a hollowing shell right now.

    I saw a post about Kids In The Hall on this site the other day. Go see how popular that is on reddit. You just gotta believe.