Why does being downvoted here even matter at all like who cares. Democrats have lost the plot and only care about identity politics. Policy don’t help the average everyday people.
Please understand that the democrats are further right than most countries mainstream right wing parties in Europe noone really likes that Germany elected the CDU (politically similar to the democrats) but we’re all very pleased that afd didn’t get a majority. Vote for the least damaging candidate and work on the system by protesting. Noone thinks Biden and Harris are saints, they’re just the least harmful option.
What I don’t understand - and please explain if you can - is why Bernie and like-minded people like AOC etc don’t break away from the likes of the Clintons and the Harrises and form their own party. Surely there must be some systemic hurdle keeping them from at least attempting right?
During the run up to the election I’ll admit i was guilty of this because it was so important for TFG to lose. I wish our bullshit system allowd for more than a fascist and center right party.
Now? Fuck that they aren’t leading like they should.
It’s exhausting.
I downvoted. Not because you criticized democrats, but because your stupid post says you get downvoted for that. No you fucking don’t. You almost always get up voted for it. This is a garbage bait post.
So let’s be frank here: Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats need to die in a fire. The old guard must be set aside and a new team should take their place by spearheading the direction of the party.
Get ready for…
The Democratic Super Friends
- Pete Butigieg (White Man)
- Kamela Harris (Captain President)
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Plucky Latina)
- Bernie Sanders (Master Splinter)
- Elizabeth Warren (Super Mom)
- Cory Booker (Male Ratio)
These powers combined, maybe YOUNG people won’t be so disgusted by the democrats. That’s right, young people. That’s who the republicans were targeting. Get the millennial vote by making the Super Friends here a reality.
But nope, that would be too daring, too risque, too sexy - for the democrats. We gotta wheel out Schumer and exhume Dianne Feinatein to prop her up with duct tape in the house of representatives.
It’s the only way… to lose again lol
It’s not that they suck. My problem with them, as an independent, is they’ve positioned themselves as the moral high ground party while in fact they have no moral leg to stand on. Their leadership had a historic moral test when it comes to the Gaza genocide and they failed it. They had another test to put a great candidate to prevent another Trump presidency, but they bowed down to their corporate masters and picked Kamala.
It’s that level of fundamentalism and holier than thou attitude that alienates many people like me. They have zero fighting tactics against Republicans besides clutching pearls and shaming. Kamala’s website up until the election day had no “agenda section”. You can’t really tell what her campaign is about. I guess she’s perfect enough and shouldn’t be questioned, otherwise “racism and sexism”.
They need a complete reset and redo of the party and its principles. Until then, I’m a non voter.
I don’t care about any of the two political parties. I just vote based on who sounds the least insane, greedy, fake, and qualified for the job. And maybe someone who doesn’t suck billionaire toe and can tax the rich.
I want to hereby thank the people who voted “third party” because “both parties are bad”. Yeah. Thanks…
Blasphemer! They are the golden calf! Kneel before your genocidal god else you will get more genocide!
The demos current lack of action against the monkey business going on now is s loudass tell about how sympathetic they are
It’s because a lot of the criticism attributed to “the Democrats” it’s just general criticism about the government and has nothing to do with a Democrats specifically.
I really feel like as soon as a Democrat gets in the office people forget that the other half of the government is fucking Republicans that will do anything to stop Democrats from getting what they want… That’s the entirety of what Turtleman is made of.
I wish the Democrats were not being complicit with the Nazis and had half as much of the obstruction the right uses when not in power
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As in criticizing Democrats on their merits or criticizing Democrats as equally bad as Republicans? Big difference between the two.