AskLemmy temporarily closed - eviltoast

We have temporarily locked posting on AskLemmy until the CSAM posting stops.

    1 year ago

    Also important to note: this feature will only really work against real CSAM. The images that were posted to this community weren’t real CSAM but were pictures/gifs of adult models, with titles/captions that would imply they were CSAM. I don’t think Cloudflare can do much about those.

    At least, the handful of posts that I saw were like this. I’m doubtful that the guy doing this is uploading actual CSAM to the clearnet.

      1 year ago

      I hope you’re right, because as someone that sometimes browses by new I keep seeing it and it’s upsetting as fuck to think it could be real.

      It’s weird they’re targeting asklemmy communities in particular, I don’t think the .ml and .world communities are even related are they?

        1 year ago

        Nah, they’re completely separate communities, so no real link that I can see there.

        I dug around a bit, and one of the sites he was using to host the images was some weird 4chan-like image board. But it seems like he may have been trolling them, too, because even though it’s a degenerate board full of racist garbage, it’s not otherwise full of CSAM, and his posts were also deleted from that board eventually, too. So I don’t think they were willingly hosting those images, either. I mention this because I saw some people calling to ban links to that domain, which probably should still be done because it’s a trash website, but not because it’s a CSAM haven of any sort.

        It makes me think that this isn’t targeted at any one community, just some random weirdo trying to make the internet a worse place wherever he can.