Watch yo tone mf
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fk off, wontchange my diacord name and i wont add an avatar. aint trying to use this like social media, dont care who knows or recognizes me. the only reason my username isnt 469764357 is my own memory
Ew, no.
Join us
I can’t see any profile pics on the Lemmy app I use. 🤷
Lemme has profile pics?
Praise Voyager.
Praise jerboa
This isnt facebook, and no one wants it to be.
You don’t have to put your face… You could put a giant butthole as your profile pic if that’s what you want.
Now don’t give them any ideas.
Just trying to be helpful. They could use roosters head as their profile, there’s plenty of things.
I don’t want your face either.
But why
Butt why?
Nope, won’t do it.
I mean as for us in our lovely little place, won’t or can’t
If Lemmy were styled after an old-school forum board rather than reddit I’d agree with you, but because profile pics on Lemmy are so tiny they’re basically pointless. However they’re just large and colorful enough to be distracting. Lemmy’s format can feel a bit cluttered as is, and I’d rather be able to scan and quickly identify important info–such as whether a comment poster is OP–than have my eye get caught by something superfluous and purely aesthetic like a profile pic. Thus I’d rather they do away with them entirely, at least in bylines.
I recognize people with profile Pic way better than people without. That’s about the only use I can think of.
Yeah, and I don’t want to recognise people on a Reddit-style site. Nor do I want people to instantly recognise me.
I’m on Sync and pretty much never see them lol
Boost user here. They only exist when changing accounts for me.
I see them on Sync pretty frequently. It’s a tiny thumbnail, so I usually can’t tell what it is, but it helps me keep track of the conversation.
I’m on sync too. I know I have set a profile picture but I can’t even see my own in here.
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PFPs are bloat
Nah fam. Besides, on my screen at least they’re so microscopic as to be pretty much unrecognizable anyway.
Mine was stolen.
I love my PFP. It’s trash I threw together in 10 minutes for a joke with an ex 10+ years ago.