Congresswoman Maxine Waters suggested that Donald Trump should consider deporting his wife, Melania Trump, while criticizing his administration’s immigration policies.
Hopefully ICE will be as overzealous as usual and deport the whole family.
I wouldn’t put it past him to deport her and get a new, younger trophy wife…
Is his daughter still an option? Some laws might need to change but no biggie.
Who cares about laws. An executive order will do the job /s
I think it’s still legal in more states for cousins to marry as long as they’re hetero, so I think he’d have to EO something if he doesn’t want to pick his marriage venue carefully.
Eric would be pissed at losing his inheritance.
Yeah well, I’m pretty certain the global net number of shits the human populous gives about Eric Trump is zero.
Who the fuck is this Eric Trump?
He’s the one Drumph can’t remember either…
As long as it’s an Official Act when he’s banging her he can’t be prosecuted
Ivanka could fight MTG to the death for Trump’s hand in marriage. Everyone wins, really.
A Golden Shower girl, perhaps.
A Golden Girl, shower, perhaps.
Honestly that would be fucking hilarious. I would love to see how the evangelicals try to spin that.
If his new wife is either American or German then they’d just say he’s has a real and proper wife now
They would say Trump is in a biblical relationship, after all Lot fucked his daughters according to their bible.
Technically, it was the other way around.
They never cared about any other of their rules and commandments, I dont know why they’d start caring now.
Aren’t they doing poly yet, or is that the wrong Christian nutters?
Cheaper way to divorce.
Didn’t he already get a side chick? I vaguely remember something like that…
Marjorie Trailer Greene is single I think? Divorced in 2022 after being caught cheating. Which is such a shocker that she managed to bag not one, but two humans.
I wouldnt say he could “tap that” either. I cant decide what verb would be appropriate. Its like a wet turd and some vomit being stirred together into a slurry.
Marjorie Trailer Queen is way too old for donvict. If he’s going to trade Melania in, he’d opt for something much younger.
Also, Marj doesn’t come off as his type at all.
Seems right.
And Barron loses his birthright citizenship too right?
He’s an anchor baby.
So, he should be dropped at the bottom of the harbour?
What, and pollute the harbour?
Her father was charged with tax fraud in the former Yugoslavia and he was a fucking communist party member.
Trumplethinskin is, unfortunately, a Natural Born American Citizen and is Barron’s legal father and thus Barron has birthright citizenship.
I believe he was born in the USA and his dad is a US citizen.
Turns out this whole thing is Trumps desperate attempt to get rid of his wife.
The last time that happened, they invented the Church of England
You beat me to it lol
Great minds think alike ;)
This aligns well with Clarence Thomas seeking to get rid of his wife by setting the stage for interracial marriage to become illegal.
Can’t honestly blame him for wanting to ditch that crazy bitch. Never stick your dick in crazy, Clarence…
We had one like that. Henry VIII.
Greatest plot twist in history.
Stop wasting our time with these articles. They’re deporting people because of white supremacy, not because they suddenly really care about immigration law which they are ignoring by black bagging people anyways.
Agreed. What point was she even trying to make? Hypocrisy? I swear to God liberals are more helpful to fascism than conservatives are at this point. Their “opposition” is so weak it has to be in bad faith.
Fascist don’t give a fuck about a liberals perception of hypocrisy. It’s like trying to debate lord your way out of a Nazi death camp just waiting for the fascist to concede to your “superior argument”.
The “debate lord” days are over. Fascist ideas won out. We need real material planning not these one liners. Even the right wing debate lords are dying out. No one wants to see Jordan Peterson “DESTROY a Liberal” anymore. Not even right wingers. They are much to happy watching Asmondgold cheer for deporting immigrants and bombing brown kids. The era of the “dumb guy” saying “well that’s just common sense” is upon us.
They are done listening to anything liberals have to say. They are far too distracted by enjoying watching “justice” happen to the people that the Democrats ALSO alienated the last election.
This is what no dialects does to liberals. They have no feedback between ideas and material conditions to even recognize the shift. They are still fighting like it’s 2008. We’ll decline further into fascism as they pretend like they are resisting it.
They had a chance to go a different route with Bernie and they completely blocked it. So now it’s too late. Even too late to take Bernie’s route.
Liberals are right wingers, what did you expect ??
White supremacy with authoritarianism, its blame immigrants for everything wrong then indigenous and blacks, then lgbtq+ and woman when the real problem is these racist bigot misogynistic POS
I get the impression that Melania would be fine with that - that she’d take any excuse to be as far as possible away from that stinky lump of congealed fat and bronzer.
She’s had 8 years to leave. She’s just as bad as he is. Remember her wearing a jacket with “I really don’t care” in giant letters ~6 years ago when Trump was separating children from their parents and then losing the children?
Nobody’s as bad as he is, but she’s certainly an awful human.
But that’s not really relevant. It’s just that from what I’ve seen, she tries to stay as far away from him as possible - preferably in another state. So I assume being given an excuse to be in a different coutry would be okay by her.
She can’t leave until Pootin tells her to…
If you look at it, she’s deeply in hate with him. I could see her staying just to torture him.
I’m not so sure about this. As someone who’s known several women in divorce, I can say that man like him have ways of trapping their victims. She may seem powerful but that’s nothing compared to the man who effectively controls every branch of government. Just because someone is married doesn’t necessarily mean they’re happy that it’s their situation
Then she makes a documentary with Netflix that exposes Trump’s dirty laundry
From what I learn about her from the first term is that she is no better than him.
“I really don’t care do you?”
Wearing that while going to meet immigrant children.
Classy lady…
yeah she’s not worthy of any sympathy after that. Done.
Soiled diapers
Don’t threaten, do. Ice, prove you’re impartial. Forcibly remove the first lady from the united states. And her anchor babies
$10 he deports her and marries that Alina Habba cunt or whatever her name is.
I’ll double it. $20.
She’s not white enough for Donny.
Melania Trump, like Musk, seems to have worked in the US prior to having authorization. That does mean she could be stripped of her citizenship.
But Waters seems very confused, as Melania Trump was not born in the US. Looking at her parents’ document status has nothing to do with her citizenship.
Since Trump is trying to end birthright citizenship, her parents citizenship status actually would matter.
Melania Trump was not born in the US. Her birthright citizenship can’t be taken away because she never had it.
Her parents became citizens after she did.
Yes. That’s what I’m saying. The fact that her parents aren’t citizens WOULD matter if she were to lose the naturalized status she currently holds, due to her previously working in the US without the proper visa.
You and Maxine Waters understand something I don’t here.
She came in on an’ extraordinary talent’ visa. I wonder what her talent was. Not modeling.
I think we all know what her talent was.
Congresswoman Waters, thank you very much for continuing to be who you are, and doing an impeccable job.
Do it
Why not the SA not-president?