On which side?
donald trump has single handedly shifted the global hegemony away from the united states, in only a matter of weeks.
That’s far too much credit for a doofus, there’s a whole evil team involved. Still, the speedrun record is impressive.
Yeah we can’t let all the Lindsey Grahams and Mitch McConnells off the hook. The GOP could have stopped this many times and now they’re all being complicit out of fear of losing office
Despite the obvious hypocrisy with Taiwan and Hong Kong, he does benefit from supporting Ukraine since it ensures further destabilization of Russia.
so this is how the russo-sino-yankee union begins.
Doesn’t sound like the purpose is to please Russia. Especially this part:
China is assessing the possibility of participating in peacekeeping forces in Ukraine, asking the EU whether its European partners support such an initiative.
Asking the EU if it would support them participating in a peacekeeping mission which Russia has been very critical of kinda seems more like they’re trying to improve relations with Europe in the wake of strong anti-US sentiments.
They’ve got Russia very dependent on them now. Better if they remain dependent. They could also probably get the NK soldiers to be withdrawn back to NK.
Russio-Yankee vs Euro-Sino actually
If they are, it’s just for milking their intelligence and giving that info to Russia. Don’t trust the CCP.
Wierd. Interested to see how this develops.
I’m not really surprised. They’re the only nation really equipped to step into the power vacuum America is leaving behind and I’m sure it isn’t lost in Xi the kind of stability and influence that gave America over the years.
The only question (and frankly the one they’re asking here) is will what’s left of the free world accept them even though they’re not really a free nation.
The bigger question rather than letting them step into that spot is whether it means we’ll let them take Taiwan and other contested islands in the Pacific without a struggle. I think they’ll be allowed because there isn’t another option while Republicans remain in power in the US.
I wouldn’t be surprised if everybody just “suddenly remembered” that we never recognized it as a separate country in the first place.
That’s kinda my point though. I could see them giving up on Taiwan at least temporarily if they’re able to fill the power void left by the USA instead. China has been pushing to become a service economy instead of a manufacturing economy for a while now, but the rest of the world didn’t trust them enough for it to work. This would change that equation.
They will be able to peace keep resources Ukraine has and Europe needs.
Just like Merrica peace kept oil in the Middle East. France was also peace keeping materials for their nuclear reactors in Africa. Untill Not Wagner showed up and backed up we are tired of frenchy bs group.
Is it still weird?
Maybe if the US is kicking Ukraine out of its sphere of influence, China thinks they can get it into theirs? I wonder how that’d effect their relationship with Russia, since they’ve been benefiting from cheap oil.
What’s Russia gonna do instead, sell it to the US? Oh… oh no…
Might be a loner thought but I’d love see China backing Ukraine Imagine how much damage they could unleash on Russia.
They will be helping transfer ownership of Ukraine to Russia in exchange for their help dealing with the US
The Ukrainians only have NATO now to help
Uh oh.
There are peacekeeping forces in the media?
Yes! This is amazing! The EU should consider china as its ally, the US has proven to be unreliable and untrustworthy. The people arguing that china is authoritarian and hence shouldn’t be trusted should just look at the us which is currently run by nazis.
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend
China is a dictatorship and joining them as an ally is really not smart
Are you a tankie? China is a xenophobic fascist state. It’s what the GOP wants the US to become.
Hey it’s a nice century so far, I just hadn’t been expecting it to be Chinese, that’s all.
You didn’t?
Lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomatic_Revolution
In other news “halp, China is encircling russia.”
This card I didn’t expect. Wasn’t there some chinese soldiers on the russian side?
North Korean
No, Chinese mercenaries it seems.