Bernie is not a democrat
So they’re making a progressive party?
They provide the best user experience and aren’t a publicly traded company so everyone uses them >:c
The point of the democratic party was to enforce the will of their doners while tricking the more educated part of the population into thinking they had representation.
I’m going to write my congressmen again
You cry like a baby
Their stated policy is to put trans people and illegal immigrants in camps.
They’re the first group being targeted.
The 2nd richest company on the planet is not afraid of the US government they own.
There’s no legal requirement to comply.
This is voluntary
The rich are trying to achieve world domination before we collectively strip them of their excess wealth to fix wealth inequality and dethrone them.
I wish i were kidding…
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
The rich are trying to achieve world domination before we collectively strip them of their excess wealth to fix wealth inequality and dethrone them.
I wish i were kidding…
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
The rich are trying to achieve world domination before we collectively strip them of their excess wealth to fix wealth inequality and dethrone them.
I wish i were kidding…
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
The rich are trying to achieve world domination before we collectively strip them of their excess wealth to fix wealth inequality and dethrone them.
I wish i were kidding…
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
The rich are trying to achieve world domination before we collectively strip them of their excess wealth to fix wealth inequality and dethrone them.
I wish i were kidding…
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
The rixh are trying to achieve world domination before we collectively strip them of their excess wealth to fix wealth inequality and dethrone them.
I wish i were kidding…
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
We’re on course for our oceans to acidify and air to be unbreathable in many places before the end of the century.
It doesn’t get a lot worse than that