Libs of TikTok is a handle for various far-right[a] and anti-LGBT[b] social-media accounts operated by Chaya Raichik (/ˈxɑːjə ˈraɪtʃɪk/ KHAH-yə RY-chik),[10] a former real estate agent.[11][12][13] Raichik uses the accounts to repost content created by left-wing and LGBT people on TikTok, and on other social-media platforms, often with hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary.
she’s one of the few people i would classify as literally evil
“Chaya Raichik” isn’t a good aryan name. It sounds foreign. I say this cause who she is as a person and who she associates with seems to support fascist and ethno-nationalist ideals.
I hope she gets everything she voted for.
I hope she gets everything the men who support the same politicians as her voted for.
Removed by mod
Let’s not encourage violence.
I’ve seen her in an interview, and she came across as exceptionally unintelligent. Which tracks, I suppose.
She likely has some exit plan to Israel.
The Nazi guy yesterday set up a few communities and one of them was a reposting community for post made by that group.
Have the communities been defederated?
I think they were removed at the source once the admin was contacted
Honestly it’s good for the MAGA crowd to see that normal people in America are armed too. They see themselves as wolves among sheep, while the masses are armed only with their useless empathy and critical thinking skills.
while the masses are armed only with their useless empathy and critical thinking skills.
I miss the gold award here, you deserve one.
I wish I could updoot you twice!
We should donate to trans support funds and post the proof of donation. Awards, but better.
Ive legit met a couple who were surprised I like blades and that I collect them. My three favorite ones are my 1942 Machete made for the US Army, my modern Ka-bar I bought at the Army surplus warehouse in Idaho Falls, and an M3 knife replica I bought from a local dealer.
Now imagine how theyd react if I had a gun, though if shit goes down ill just jack it from one of their still warm corpses.
Now imagine how theyd react if I had a gun, though if shit goes down ill just jack it from one of their still warm corpses.
having recently died of cringe presumably
Honestly if it makes it any better I dont know what the actual fuck possessed me to writ it that way. Guess thats what I get for writing comments while slowly losing it playing Wasteland 1. Seriously how did folks play this in the 80s.
Haha kudos for taking it in stride, I am just teasing of course. Philosophically I’ve always had mixed feelings on an armed population, but if there will be people with weapons I’m happier if they’re in the hands of the people pushing for equality and fighting oppression.
Yeah, also its just as important to know how to use them as well. Which means for example I am well adept at using a Ka-bar and a shovel since I use them quite frequently around my property, this isnt even that much of a joke familiarity with something weight alone can help quite a bit. But slight joking aside my original comment was probably the most unflattering and worst way I could have stated that, but its kinda funny in a mid 2000s 4chan sorta way so ill leave it.
i collect blehds
While you were partying, I was studying the blade.
Its mostly just knives, the machete kinda throws it all off.
And a Defend Equality sticker on the stock! Super based. This person has an open invitation to all my backyard cookouts next summer.
Good, every progressive should be armed. Its like the literal reason we have the second amendment in the first place.
Got my CCW after trump won in 2016, didn’t end up needing it
Got plates after this one, I’m not going to be a protest without it and a rifle.
It sounds like an escalation, but a show of force prevents a lot of violence, and it works especially well on the people we’re protesting. Like, that’s not a dig. Due to brain differences it’s harder to win over the right by appealing to empathy or facts and logic.
Everyone that works on is already mostly on our side.
What works on conservatives is fear of immediate consequences. You think a trumpet would drive into protesters when a dozen would actually open fire and make them legit “fear for their lives”?
Hell, they overrun the Capitol because cops just had Glocks and riot gear…
These days a protest ain’t safe unless people are posted up.
I always believed in the 2A, though up to now i never owned one, don’t hunt game, and owning a gun is an extra responsibility i didn’t feel the need to take on. Though this has changed recently as i am a proud yet reluctant owner of an SFAR. I also got my gas mask with NATO cartridges.
Shooting can absolutely be fun - not just a tool to fight oppression. “Can I shoot something smaller and further away?” is a question you can keep asking yourself!
I come from hillbillies, so technically I owned a rifle and a shotgun before I was ever born.
But I never went thru the hassle of getting a CCW and small pistol to carry.
But shits fucking crazy these days. Like I’ve lived in some rough areas, and had plenty of people show me their gun as intimidation since I was a punk teenager. But I was never seriously worried about getting shot, people had something to lose and I was never doing something that was worth it.
Nowadays people with a good job and family are just firing off over incredibly minor shit.
Everyone is just willing to throw it all away over nothing.
I really think we’re gonna find out COVID caused similar issues to lead poisoning even among minor cases with no symptoms. People just have no chill, and everyone and their mother is strapped here now.
I also got my gas mask with NATO cartridges
You really don’t need it. Tear gas in an open environment is not bad, you move 10 feet away for a few minutes.
People will tell you tennis rackets is the move, but that could lead to serious charges if used to hit one back at cops.
What you need is buckets. They fire a can, you cap it. If you do have to retreat, someone will likely (completely on accident and without any malice) knock it over releasing the tear gas and slowing the cops.
I was in the military, and i had one. Seemed like a thing to get, and it couldn’t hurt. You are right about the buckets, i have seen those work well in protests. The police had to resort to shooting protestors in the face with the grenades instead, blew someones eye out of their skull.
That’s a very modern interpretation of the second amendment popularized by conservatives. What it means ‘literally’ is hotly debated but only relatively recently did conservative pundents push this definition away from the arguably more ‘literal’ concept of organized state militias. If you think an arms race between liberal activists and right wing racist hillbillies (ie. Most of America) is going to end with the armed liberals winning, you need to check out the gun cabinets and gun sheds of the conservative homes in my town. Every time I see a ridiculous call to arms post like this on Lemmy I put some money aside to donate to one of my favorite gun control charities.
Just because people don’t put them in a literal showcase and make it their entire personality doesn’t mean they don’t own as many they just don’t want to get robbed as badly.
The rulings testing the militia part of the clause go back a long way establishing it is not a necessary part (and certainly it doesn’t read that way).
Also Everytown’s ideas are not based on evidence or even common sense. They can fuck right off.
I find it kinda amazing that they act shocked that Transpeople are arming and antifa is showing up armed when these motherfuckers have been brandishing firearms at their gatherings since literally forever.
“The second amendment is essential to protect against tyranny!”
…Right wing takes over US government and immediately starts attacking and marginalizing trans and other groups…
…trans and others start carrying guns…
“Not like that!”
To conservative white mean, tyranny means having to pay an income tax to support social programs, not being allowed to marry 13 year olds, or the government pushing renewable energy over coal.
To other groups, tyranny has a slightly more real meaning.
I have historically been pretty pro gun control because my life had seen the US generally becoming more socially progressive and supportive of marginalized groups (whether that was truly the case is another question), but the last 5-10 years have me seriously walking back on that stance.
This is such a “rights for me but not for thee” take. Dismiss anyone you disagree with while only valuing your own feelings.
Everyone has a right to defend themselves, their family and their community.
I haven’t met many pro-2A peeps that are against the left or minorities owning firearms. Most seem to loudly support it, actually. Taking responsibility for your own safety is generally a good idea.
Agreed, that is definitely what they would say and believe. Not just any pro-2A people but your conservative trumper gun nuts too.
But the insidious thing about the conservative mind is that by necessity it leans into biases to mislead and fool itself. So they may not believe they are lying, yet somehow we’ll get gun control when LGBT and minorities are the ones waving around guns at protests, even though massacred children weren’t enough.
Use their good will until then and there won’t be an easy way to implement gun control against the left. Fucking red flag laws might be weaponized, but nobody pays attention until fucky laws are pointed at them.
That is awesome. I have always felt pretty real sure that Guthrie’s guitar has never actually killed fascists
According to the Behind the Bastards about Guthrie (they always do a Christmas episode about a non-bastard), it was a standard thing to put on machines used to build stuff for the war.
I don’t think he was claiming to have literally beaten a fascist to death with a guitar, but you never know with that guy.
You never know, could be a decent blunt instrument
I remember when conservatives turned against guns because the Black Panthers armed themselves against racists
That’s when American gun control began in earnest. Like many things, the authoritarian approach is rooted in racism.
The Black Panthers and the insuing riots after the murder of MLK got blacks the right to vote. And led to the first sensible gun laws in US history.
Nothing meaningfully improves until the rich fear for their lives.
This is a historical fact for our Republic
It’s almost like guns are the answer to solving problems in relation to oppression.
Your facts are wrong.
can’t explain how
Try looking up when “blacks” got the right to vote, and then maybe what the Civil Rights Movement was actually about, russki.
It sure as fuck wasn’t “riots after MLK’s assassination”
The King assassination riots, also known as the Holy Week Uprising,[2] were a wave of civil disturbance which swept across the United States following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968.
Dr. King had campaigned for a federal fair housing law throughout 1966, but had not achieved it.[36] Senator Walter Mondale advocated for the bill in Congress, but noted that over successive years, a fair housing bill was the most filibustered legislation in US history.[37] It was opposed by most Northern and Southern senators, as well as the National Association of Real Estate Boards. Mondale commented that:
A lot of [previous] civil rights [legislation] was about making the South behave and taking the teeth from George Wallace … This came right to the neighborhoods across the country. This was civil rights getting personal.
The assassination and subsequent riots quickly revived the bill.[38][39][27][40] On April 5, Johnson wrote a letter to the United States House of Representatives urging passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which included the Fair Housing Act.[31] The Rules Committee, “jolted by the repeated civil disturbances virtually outside its door,” finally ended its hearings on April 8.[41] With newly urgent attention from White House legislative director Joseph Califano and Speaker of the House John McCormack, the bill—which was previously stalled that year—passed the House by a wide margin on April 10.[25]
For some liberals and civil rights advocates, the riots were a turning point.
The assassination and riots radicalized many, helping to fuel the Black Power movement.[42]
In after the rise of the Black Panthers and the increased unity caused by the death of MLK the movement rallied together and kept pushing which led to integration the right to vote.
As for calling me ruzzian, fuck you drag. I’ve seen you around here and you’re always spitting some dumb bootlicker shit.
Grow a spine, grow up
Lol, yeah, that’s what I’m known for, advocating peaceful protests and centrist positioning.
Your comment proved me right though, GJ on that?
Cya around, orc bot.
Armed minorities are harder to oppress. Stay strapped people. We’re not even a month into this shit yet
this is what we need. Parity. Like guns or not, you need them at this point or you’re just going to be under the boot without ever having the tools you needed to fight back.
“someone other than us bought weapons???”
I can tell they mean it negatively, but they make it sound like a great time to join the protest.
Being Madison, it could go either way. The Capitol is very lefty, but there’s hillbilly farmland 20 minutes outside town.
That’s basically every metropolitan city in the US.
45 minutes outside of DC you’ll find plenty of MAGA mouthbreathers who directly benefit from their proximity, but who never see the irony of their opinions.
Marginalized groups should bring more weapons to protests, then maybe we could get some god damn gun regulations like back when the NRA was against the black panthers brandishing them in public.
Under no pretext shall arms be surrendered from the workers!
Rational people pay attention to unarmed peaceful protestors…
But the people in power aren’t rational, and the boots on the ground attack if protestors are unarmed…
Vests and rifles are going to be necessary optics at protests for the foreseeable future.
Quick edit:
Obligatory, “I think my draco might be gay”