@Objection - eviltoast

If someone claims something happened on the fediverse without providing a link, they’re lying.

  • 11 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2024


  • America has already been sold out. Almost every year, no matter who’s in charge, the military gets bigger while everything else gets cut. The only people who benefit from it are military contractors and politicians. Of all the many wars since WWII, not one of them has actually benefitted ordinary people, and a lot of them have made the lives of ordinary people much worse for no reason. But because it’s what the rich want, there’s complete bipartisan support for it. People are struggling more and more every day to access education, healthcare, even basic necessities, while even our infrastructure is falling apart, but we have an endless supply of bombs and weapons, spending more on that than the next 9 countries combined.

    If you actually care about US security, you should support cutting the military in favor of domestic spending, because at this point, who’s going to stick their neck out to protect such a dysfunctional system? But no, even the supposedly “left-leaning” party is fully on board with militarism and jingoism while the core rots. To the point of attacking conservatives from the right over it!

    As I say in my other comment in this thread, Trump isn’t actually going to cut the military, he increased military spending in his first term and will most likely do so again. However, because of insane liberals who somehow still believe in “benevolent interventionism” even after Iraq and Afghanistan, Trump is able to triangulate and pick up antiwar, libertarian types who can’t see through his act. Liberals do everything in their power to help him by openly supporting militarism and denouncing anyone who opposes it as a “Russian bot” (or similar), regardless of their reasons.

    The bizarre thing is how someone can square the circle of angrily opposing military cuts while not recognizing that they’re a right-winger.

  • Lol, right. So when she was still calling herself a democrat and went on Fox News as far back as 2015 to shit talk Obama for not being hawkish enough in the Middle East, did the democrats “push her” to do that? How, exactly? Say it, that you think the democrats should’ve been more hawkish like Tulsi wanted.

    Oh, but you can’t, can you? Because she flip flopped into pretending to be an isolationist, as soon as it was convenient. And suckers like you eat it up hook, line, and sinker.

    Of course you’d also like RFK. If you buy into one insincere opportunist grifter who believes in nothing, why not another?