mitosis or some such
Not really. There is just one community where all the dedicated users are and its this one.
Meiosis is the sex one 🕺
What does the number mean?
Ha, you fool! It’s your cuteness on a scale of 10
It’s old reddit lore IIRC, maybe someone remembers it here?
195, the OG subreddit, was a number of a flat or uni dorm of the founder of it, and as it got closed 196 became the sequel
So that’s why it’s called “apartment of awesome”. TIL.
As an outsider, I’ve been wondering the exact same thing.
1 + 9 = 10 = J
10 + 6 = 16 = PIt’s a reference to television chef Jean-Pierre Bréhier, who has over 2 million subscribers on youtube.
JP opened his first restaurant in the US in 1976. “Coincidentally” called the Left bank.
Ah! Of course.
Yup, the more the merrier :3
(Btw I also have my own 196 alt, !