Your brother is being recruited by the fascists. That is what is going on.
Anyone who has to vocalize that they’re an alpha, isn’t. Your brother is a loser.
If you have to say you’re in charge, you’re not
In 1958 a researcher studied Wolves. He observed that some get all the female and food. He named those Alpha, and the others Beta.
Some people started to postulate that human work the same: There must be Alpha male and Beta male. There are 2 problem with that:
1- Obviously Human are not wolves
2- the study was on wolf in captivity. In nature it was later observed that there are no Alpha nor Beta: every wolf get same share of the resources
But the narrative that human are like wolf , still appeal to some male trying to justify their toxic behavior like it was some rule of nature. Forgetting, that if their is one thing that human do compared to other animal, is to control, manage and overcome every “rule” of nature. Else we wont be able to even use fire.
Nitpicking, but not every rule of nature. I still need to pee :(
People are generally stupid, even more so when they’re young. Younger people are getting brainwashed by low-IQ online influencers into believing this Alpha/Beta shit.
It’s that simple.
If you want to help him, try to break his addiction to those influencers.
Did you seriously just do the same exact thing but with high vs low-iq? Was this irony intentional?
This comment section is either full of top notch satirists or the worst fucking people on Lemmy. I honestly can’t tell.
Your brother currently is a little loser who listens to the sad little men like Andrew Tate who talk about aloha and beta and have no fucking idea what they’re talking about. He can be alright, he just needs to get out and touch grass, interact with real people, interact normally with girls… He’ll be fine.
Lil bitch got hopped up on manosphere podcasts… Likely due to rejection or and poor social skills.
The underline issue is that human evolve to be part of social norms. Use to be a tribe, a country, a sport club. But new generation can be have more options. Associating with alpha male or whatever means he belong to a group who might like his meme or comments.
It could also be due to lack of a man figure they can associate with. So watching documentaries of strong males might help shed light on what the role could look like.
What you want is to balance his only identity or group with other (groups). For example, joining a gym, fishing, be part of musical band …. Whatever he is also into, just to get him out of that only identity he is associating with.
For me I would try to come from telling him being alpha means you can hunt or camp or survive in the wild, then lead to cooking classes or wood working. Something that mentally and physically taxing. I also would watch gordon Ramsay shows and Anthony Bourdain just to crash that image of one way to be an alpha male. You can cook and be an alpha male as the same time type thing.
Yeah he needs Ron Swanson
All alpha maleism is categorically insecurity. For each of them it’s different. Figure out exactly what he’s trying to bury under all this tate shit and address it directly. It could be the onset of male loneliness, that shows up around the teenage years - lasts forever though if he’s aware he can make changes. It could be he’s insecure in his own sexuality - just get him to open up and take everything he said to the grave with you. There could be a person or activity the betas engage in that he can’t, or is afraid of being made fun if. Teach him how to stand up to that shit and grow through it.
I’m not suggesting you punish your bro in a way that would enable this behavior further. It’s hard to be an alpha type when you’re showered in love and support- it just looks stupid. He’s probably going through some of the first real life shit, and handling it poorly. As his sister you’re kinda on the hook for helping him through this. If you do, you’d probably have a better brother and friend.
The surest way to guarantee you’re a beta is by calling yourself an alpha
Get him off YouTube and social media
This is the right answer.
Alpha and beta? I’m released on service pack 2
He’s a beta cuck. Real alphas don’t have to go around proclaiming their alpha status and receiving praise and validation from betas and other “alphas”.
disgusted to see “just hit your brother” so sentimentally popular. Please dont abuse your family members as a method to disabuse them of their indoctrination. how would that work? seems pretty obvious to me it would only reinforce the view that alphas are stronger than others and can get what they want through violence. it’s a humorless joke at best and terrible advice at worst. shame on anyone who made the remark, and shame on all those who voted it up.
op, check out fd signifier.
“prove your brother wrong,” is a valid solution.
I don’t think you really get the underlying issue here based on your response.Do brothers not wrestle anymore? Lmfao
“have fun wrestling with your brother” is not “assault your brother so that he understands who the true alpha is”
by your response i dont think you really get the underlying issue or my response.
next time he says that just slap him hard. And ask him who’s the alpha now?
this would just reinforce the conditioning that alphas are strong and get what they want through violence.