How have your opinions on media you once enjoyed changed over time? Are there movies or shows you used to find funny but no longer do? - eviltoast
  • @NaoPb
    12 days ago

    I am also looking to watch the tv show at some point. Which onr should I watch first, the tv show or the movie?

    • SanguinePar
      22 days ago

      I’m not that knowledgeable on either, but if I remember rightly you also have the choice of watching the TV Show as it was broadcast in the USA or as it was broadcast in the UK (and maybe elsewhere) - the main difference being that the USA one has a laugh track added.

      I may have some of the details wrong, but just FYI.

      32 days ago

      I think it’s a personal choice, or at least i didn’t have any specific reason not to watch the movie first. They are a fair bit different but if you watch the series first that’s a lot of Alan alda to unsee if you watch the movie afterwards so i think it’s better for your movie experience if watch it before the series, and it was released first so there’s that