You get to choose one super power you see on fictional media, What do you choose ? - eviltoast
  • (⬤ᴥ⬤)
    8 months ago


    depending on how realistic you want to keep it the benefits go from “pretty nice” to “god amongst men” level:

    • backpain? just fix your back
    • toothache? grow new teeth
    • don’t feel like going to the hairdresser? shift into a different hairstyle
    • gender problems? forget HRT you can make hormones science doesn’t even know about
    • aging is no more (if you want)
    • donate all the blood you want! hell you can donate your heart if you find a doctor that doesn’t ask questions
    • mental fog getting you down? just fuckin change your brain. “is it still me after?” don’t know don’t care now go revolutionize physics Einstein
    • grow a tail

    the possibilities are endless