Between that and ads in the taskbar and Cortana, MS really hates their users.
Death to Microsoft
Watch how Firefox either gets sold or suddenly blocks all ad blocking addons.
Can you sell open source software…?
Not the code per se, but everything around it can be sold. You can sell access to the repository, support services, compilation services, development services, and so on. Mozilla could sell itself to some greasy investor and go full steam ahead on enshittification e.g embed ads in the browser, sell user browsing data, connect it to their own services, and so on.
Anything can happen anytime also
It’s never a bad time to use Firefox. Been on it for many years (with a brief hiatus on chrome) and can’t recommend it enough.
I would start reading up on the latest news about Firefox unfortunately
Firefox just recently changed their tos removing the part where they said they don’t sell your data. Will be searching for an alternative soon.
Librewolf is good. It’s up-to-date Firefox with all the nonsense stripped out (ads, telemetry, Pocket) and things like uBlock Origin preinstalled.
Just switched to librewolf and Fennec yesterday and so far not feeling any loss of functionality or performance.
Fennec is made by Mozilla
However, not everything is lost at this point.
I won’t lose much myself as I don’t use Edge (and I’d rather not browse the web at all than be forced to look at ads) but it’s clear there is a worrysome acceleration in the vanishing of the little control we have over the Internet and the way we are allowed to experience it.