The State Department handles diplomacy. I would expect that the intention is for US diplomats (however many are left after all this) to drive around in these things. I’m sure that will help convince other countries that the US is not at all stupidly corrupt.
The State Department handles diplomacy. I would expect that the intention is for US diplomats (however many are left after all this) to drive around in these things. I’m sure that will help convince other countries that the US is not at all stupidly corrupt.
Yup. Guarantee Musk gets Trump to replace The Beast with an armored Tesla.
Which then spontaneously combusts killing Trump, but luckily just before that Trump passes an executive order naming Musk his successor.
If only they heeded your warning, FireRetardant.
Too bad those cars are illegal in Europe.
So how are they going to do diplomacy over here?