Since when is Common Cause an oligarch?
This article is about Bezos acting in solidarity with Musk, not one of them trying to censor the other.
Since when is Common Cause an oligarch?
This article is about Bezos acting in solidarity with Musk, not one of them trying to censor the other.
No, fuck that. Objective reality exists and those who claim things contrary to it are fucking liars.
Don’t tease me with headlines like that.
It’s easy to fall into the mindset of assuming all replies are rebuttals by default, but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes they’re concurrences, and sometimes they’re just using what you wrote as a jumping-off point to a different tangent.
Especially the Christmas Special
I mean, regulations do get in the way of profits. It’s just that the profitable behaviors being outlawed by regulation are the ones that create harmful externalities, and it’s only in oligarchy fantasy land that they’re entitled to cause others harm for their own benefit.
Nobody posted the copypasta yet? I guess it’s gotta be me, then.
They claim they fall under the Presidential Records Act, but they’re lying.
Oversight didn’t do that; fucking up the manufacturing did that.
It’s wrong because it would cause drivers to abruptly swerve out of the way. There should be a triangular painted gore before and after to provide warning and ease the maneuver.
Also they should, ya know, actually just fix the thing causing the obstruction.
Well, I could be wrong, but I think Unix (IRIX, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Xenix, etc.) might also be Unix-like.
Even if there were, it would still be wrong.
Because if they really were Palestinians, obviously that would’ve been perfectly A-OK?
I would figure it would be just the opposite: that you’d want to try Gentoo specifically for gaming, in order to wring every last FPS out of the system. At least, that was part of my motivation back in the day (despite Proton not being a thing yet, IIRC I could at least play some games on Linux back then).
I think of Gentoo like the Fast and the Furious-esque customized sports coupe you drive when you’re young to try to impress your friends. In contrast, I’m at the point where I can’t be bothered anymore, so I drive the boring minivan of distros, Kubuntu. Point is: try Gentoo sooner rather than later, while you still give a shit. (Edit: of course, with a username like @MidsizedSedan, it might already be too late, LOL)
They’re on the good drugs.
Well, yeah, but that’s what you sign up for when you choose to use Gentoo. Custom-compiling every app, every time, with your chosen USE flags, is the advantage of it. (I suppose Gentoo has “binary packages” available now, but at that point I don’t see why you wouldn’t just pick Arch instead to begin with.)
Also, that’s another reason you should update frequently (e.g. daily or weekly): to keep compilation times reasonable by only ever updating a few packages at once.
Also also, as I said, I last used Gentoo two decades ago. Even back then, I found the compilation times… uh, at least “tractable.” 😅 I can only assume that with modern hardware they’re not bad at all, as for the most part, processing power has scaled faster than FOSS code complexity.
Yes, you recompile each time you update.
In general, to upgrade an app you do:
root # emaint --auto sync
root # emerge --update $PACKAGE_NAME
(That first command used to just be something like root # emerge --sync
when I last used Gentoo, two decades ago. I wonder why they changed it?)
Didn’t Obama have a chance to name a justice and kicked the can until Trump got there?
Why the fuck are you blaming that on Obama instead of McConnell? That’s some fucking blatant spin.
“Ew” what? The fighting over MBFC was a big deal for a long time. If he was here, it’s hard to believe he wouldn’t have noticed it.
I can imagine a plotline where they assign him to to the Cerritos in order to augment/replace Migleemo (either because the crew is so unhinged that his workload is too high, or he’s seen as ineffective) and hijinks ensue.