That makes Diogenes mocking him even more funny
I like to imagine that Diogenes was the age of antiquity era equivalent of a 5 foot five dude who legit has no fear of death and makes it everyone elses problem by being a goblin.
I think everyone else’s problem with him was more routinely related to his regularly and casually jerking off in public.
Diogenes and his motivations for being a goblin is not independent as to why people found his goblin behavior annoying. The problem is that if they tried killing him for it he would win.
maybe plato shouldn’t flex so much
I like to imagine him as a slightly less sexy Danny DeVito
Jesus fucking Christ, that’s my friend Spider. He’s taller than that, sorta.
But if you knew how many times I’ve had to beat someone’s ass because he has zero fear of getting his kicked, you’d think I was an idiot for still being his friend. Dude just does not give a fuck and will say exactly what he wants, period.
Now, he’s not actually an asshole, he doesn’t go around fucking with people as a hobby. But when people are already being annoying, he doesn’t back down, play nice, or otherwise accept it.
Im five five, I was speaking from experience. I think it has to do with being shorter than a solid chunk of people meaning that eventually we just dont give a fuck. Mind you I do back down just in really backhanded ways that pisses folks off.
Yeah, I’ve known a few shorter guys that end up just not giving a fuck. People are assholes, and too many think height matters when it comes to how you treat people. So it the ends up where they either just move through the world with confidence while ignoring the bullshit and living their best life, or they withdraw and get angry. I think the not giving a fuck path is the healthy one.
Theres also the path I took which is like a horrific mix of the two, I hope that I am put in a situation that causes my death and causes untold travesty towards as many people that I hate as possible. Riding a nuke into the sunset type of deal, until then I am going to enjoy mine life the way I want like that event is approaching at a steady but inevitable rate.
Well, shit, that’s embracing a philosophy!
Makes sense too.
Behold, a man!
Plato didn’t skip pre-workout, just pre-Socratics
Flex on them, philosopher-king
I guess this explains Plato’s depiction in Existential Comics.
It’s a meme and not what happened at all.
It’s pretty much correct (well, except the medal; maybe a wreath of celery or pine, but he competed in the Isthmian games, not the Olympics).
His real name was allegedly Aristocles. Plato was his wrestling nickname (and does indeed mean broad, referring to his physique).
He believed that physical exercise was an integral part of a proper education, and applied that principle to himself.
So he was basically Nacho Lebre? You have a good source for this? I wouldn’t mind reading it myself.