Global fresh water demand will outstrip supply by 40% by 2030, say experts - eviltoast
    4 months ago

    I know you are joking, but for people that don’t know: Solar Stills are total scams. They might work in a pinch as a survival tool, but for long term it’s a non starter.

    They have many issues, for example in places that don’t have a lot of water and thus would be the most needed, they simply don’t work. If there isn’t a lot of water in the air, there isn’t any to extract. Even in perfect conditions these things produce very little water, in most conditions you’d be lucky to get a couple of drops. Second issue is the water isn’t clean, there is so much stuff floating in the air, you can’t drink the water that comes out without filtering / boiling first. If that step is required you might as well go with ground or surface water sources. And if there isn’t any ground or surface water sources, there won’t be any water in the air most likely. Third issue is you are creating a hot and humid environment, which is an excellent breeding ground for all sorts of nasties. Think legionnaires disease and all sort of other bacteria and fungi. Within days it becomes a serious health hazard. Last issue is the materials used are almost by definition cheap and exposed to hard uv a lot of the time. This makes them degrade quickly and fall apart. Leaving plastic waste and chemicals leaking into the water it produces, until it just falls apart.

    There have been so many crowd funding campaigns for clean water from the air over the past decades. Maybe some of them are simply naive and well meaning, but almost all are plain old scams. Feeding off the desire of people to help other people, only to fill their own pockets.

    And furthermore, the problem with access to clean water is capitalism. There is plenty of water available, we have the means to extract it from the ground, surface and sea. We can process it, clean it, recycle it. Use trucks or pipes to transport it to places that don’t have it. The only issue is, that costs money and the people living where the water is needed don’t have a lot of money. So bringing water to these places simply doesn’t generate a profit and thus doesn’t get done. It isn’t some kind of huge technical issue, there are many rich places in the desert that have plenty of water. Think oil states in the Middle East, or places in the US like Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico etc. Capitalism is the issue, not technology.