I like this Instance - eviltoast

I just wanted to say that I like this instance. It feels calm, cool, and collected. There is no BS happening here. From what I can see, no one has defederated from us and we have not defederated from anyone else. The rules for the Instance look reasonable. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for keeping it nice here :-).

  • @FeelzGoodMan420OP
    211 months ago

    I’m okay with the instance being really small, if you are. I think it is the best way to keep it chill here. It also makes it easier for you if you’re not constantly moderating.

    It’s obviously completely up to you!

    • eviltoast adminMA
      211 months ago

      That’s very true, I’m not interested in constantly moderating a huge community. I do think it’d be nice to have a small community of chill folks though. Nothing like lemmy.world or the other big instances

      • @FeelzGoodMan420OP
        211 months ago

        Have we defederated from anyone or been defederated from anyone?

        • eviltoast adminMA
          211 months ago

          Nope, we haven’t defederated from anyone (instances or communities), and as far as I know noone has defederated from us either.

          https://eviltoast.org/instances would show blocked instances if there are any, but I’m not sure if there’s a public page somewhere that would show blocked/banned communities.

          There’s also this tool, but I don’t know how accurate it is:

          https://fba.ryona.agency/?domain=eviltoast.org vs https://fba.ryona.agency/?domain=lemmy.world as an example

          • @FeelzGoodMan420OP
            211 months ago

            Awesome. Idk why everyone seems to have so much trouble finding an instance that isn’t caught up in any defederation bullshit. Aren’t there hundreds of small instances?

            • eviltoast adminMA
              211 months ago

              Also you might be interested, I just posted an update on https://eviltoast.org/post/543242 about updating the guidelines a little bit. Nothing’s really changing, but the latest drama did remind me to add a little coverage.

              • @FeelzGoodMan420OP
                211 months ago

                Does the liability page actually help with any legal issues? I suppose it would, right? It’s basically agreeing to terms of use for our “product”

                • eviltoast adminMA
                  211 months ago

                  I’m hoping it will in a “show of good faith” type of way if nothing else, but I don’t know how much it truly holds up.

                  • @FeelzGoodMan420OP
                    11 months ago

                    Got it. I’m not sure i understand why lemmy.world defederated from the piracy community. It’s hosted on another instance. Is it because a copy of it stays on lemmy world? I just don’t get it lol

            • eviltoast adminMA
              211 months ago

              There are, but I think people are still leaning towards the bigger instances by default. Probably part of existing users on those instances recruiting more people and suggesting to use the same instance instead of finding a different one. A lot of reddit threads were linking directly to lemmy.world for example.

              I saw some talk about lemmy clients implementing some sort of random sign-up where it puts new users on random instances, or at least shows a list of instances they could choose from. I’m not sure if that’s the solution, but it’d be an improvement imo.

              • @FeelzGoodMan420OP
                111 months ago

                Yea that would definitely help. Also I think there needs to be a better explanation for defederation and exactly what that means. I still find that pretty confusing in terms of exactly who can see/participate with what.

      • @FeelzGoodMan420OP
        211 months ago

        Yea, no way (re: lemmy.world size.) Definitely keep it smaller haha.

        It would be nice to see some participation in our local threads though!