God I fucking hate bootlickers. Imagine having loyalty to a corporation. Unbelievable…
God I fucking hate bootlickers. Imagine having loyalty to a corporation. Unbelievable…
I’m not your buddy, Pal!
Did you bang?
Lol OP are you serious with this low effort shitpost? I’m all for shitting on Reddit but in case you’ve been living under a rock the past month, THE ENTIRE MARKET HAS GONE DOWN, OF WHICH ALL TECH HAS BEEN HIT THE HARDEST. I mean my God, what even is this community? Ya’ll drinking the Kool-Aid here hard.
I don’t really understand why anyone in their right mind would use a service like this. I knew this would happen from the very first time I heard about 23andme. It blows my mind that people put faith in companies like this with very personal genetic data. It’s bad enough we have to trust typical healthcare companies with health data. Why add to it voluntarily?
This shit is one of the reasons why I cannot yet in good faith recommend the Fediverse.
Imagine taking what i said as a fucking insult? Jesus Christ. Why are you offended by me saying your relationship is exceptional? You should take it as a compliment. My friend married his high school girlfriend. He knows that’s rare. Do you think he cries about it? No. He’s proud. You should be too. You beat the odds. Grow the fuck up and stop being so overly sensitive.
It makes sense to me. There’s no middle ground anymore and nowhere for these people to go. It sucks. Many people want fiscal conservatism but also support common sense social issues. I don’t see what’s so weird about this. The people accusing these people of being republicans or bad people are fucking idiots and shows the average understanding of politics/policy on Lemmy.
Edit: To clarify, I’m not saying that this describes me. Just that i totally understand it.
Again, WHAT ARE YOU ACTUALLY ARGUING HERE? Seems like you’re arguing for the sake of arguing. What even is your point? Rare is rare. You’re just splitting hairs here between what’s exceptionally rare and what is more common but still rare, both of which are irrelevant to my original comment. I refuse to waste my time on this any further. Have a good day.
Bro please. Practice reading comprehension. All I’m saying is that I understand OP’s concern. I’m just validating OP’s feelings. And I’m saying that most young relationships fail (which is just fact) so I imagine this one will also fail, and that it might even be worse since multiple people are involved. That’s it. Stop putting words in my mouth please.
I don’t understand what you’re arguing here. Rare does not mean “never.” It means rare. In an infinite universe even a 0.00000000000000000001% chance of life still means it will occur an infinite number of times.
If you were to bet money on the chance that OP’s daughter is still with both those partners at age 35, would you bet on it? I sure as hell wouldn’t. I don’t like losing money. 1-2% odds are pretty fucking terrible (using your 3 in 200 example.)
You’re misrepresenting my answer. I’m merely stating that I understand OP’s concern based on what I said, not that I think OP shouldn’t allow it. Of course all young relationships are learning experiences.
Okay but regardless of relationship style preferences, carrying over high school relationships far into adulthood is extremely rare. I only know 1 or 2 that married their high school sweatheart. It’s rare in modern times and I don’t think you can argue in good faith that it’s not.
I don’t know what that means but i guess I’ll enjoy it.
I have no idea what you mean by my comment being self defeating.
I’m not saying OP should tell his daughter not to do this. I’m merely stating that it’s almost guaranteed that it’s going to end in broken hearts and tears, for at least 1 of the members, given that they’re 17 and most normal relationships at that age fail (which is part of the learning experience yes.)
You’re the exception to the rule.
Your responses are extremely strange and the downvotes you are receiving reflect that.
Weird comment on your part but I’ll explain. Think of it this way:
If you see someone edited a comment, that means that comment could have literally said anything before the edit. Explaining what the edit was helps give an assurance that it didn’t say something wildly different prior to the edit.
I.e. i could have said something positive and gotten upvotes, but then edited it to say “OP’s daughter is a whore.” That’s a mean and ridiculous comment but it would have looked like people upvoted it (at least until it gets downvoted.)
I’m not your Guy, Champ!