Ham and pea soup is a banger.
Ham and pea soup is a banger.
That’s like the most touching thing i ever ever heard. I love it.
A little dramatic but okay.
I’m more forgiving on your end since you’re young and you don’t know what you’re doing. I know my opinion doesn’t mean shit to you but one day you’ll understand why this is an absolutely terrible idea and why you are doing yourself a huge disservice. You’re wasting your previous youth on this. You really should be aiming to date much closer to your age range. My heart goes out to you. It really does. Maybe in 10 years you’ll remember this comment. Maybe not.
However I’m extremely ashamed at your BF. He should absolutely know better. Absolutely disgusting behavior on his part. I’m surprised he consented to having this picture posted publicly. Mindblowing.
Edit: I guess I’m also kind of a hypocrite because I watch porn, which is most often 19-24 year olds and older men. So I will admit this for fairness.
So you’re 19 and dating like a 50 year old? That’s not healthy…
Also didn’t realize Jeffery Epstein came back from the dead to give you oral.
Okay well that’s an issue with your setup in general. It has nothing to do with what we’re talking about.
It’s not adding extra data. You’re replacing your game with an older version. If anything it’ll use less space since newer updates add more data usage to the game usually.
Also your slow Internet is an overall issue. Then you have an issue with downloading things in general. Again, irrelevant.
If smaller instances aren’t stable or practical then this is a failed experiment. End of story.
People are so fucking stupid. Liberals complain that Reddit is too conservative now. Conservatives complain that it’s too liberal. Well which is it?
Well then idk what to say. Lemmy and the fediverse is a failed experiment. I mean what’s the point if people just congregate into one huge instance? Kinda defeats the purpose, no?
Please join a small instance. Lemmy doesn’t work if people don’t spread out. Just choose some small instance that seems chill. You can search and sub to any community. It really makes no difference.
I feel like everyone would just get hacked.
Huh? That sentence doesn’t make sense.
Yes it redownloads the whole game. Not a big deal.
Odd choice of music but nice ass.
Either way OP is trash. I reported it.
The credit card fees are fucking heinous bullshit. Even doctors offices are doing them…i know it’s the fault of the credit card companies but holy fucking shit.
Yea. Fair enough. I mean it takes like 10 minutes of research and then it’s easy in my opinion. It’s subjective haha. The important thing is you can do it without needing any crazy workarounds.
You just go to steamdb, grab the numbers for the version you want, go to steam console, download it, then replace the files. So not exactly dumb person easy, but pretty damn easy once you figure out how to do it. I’ve done it a bunch of times. It always works.
I just get green.