At this point, I don’t know if even someone trusted would be able to change his mind. Admitting to being wrong about vaccines means admitting he basically killed their daughter. Horribly sad.
That’s the real reason why he’ll always double down. That sort of realisation can fuck someone up and make them shut down to the idea of it completely.
At this point, I don’t know if even someone trusted would be able to change his mind. Admitting to being wrong about vaccines means admitting he basically killed their daughter. Horribly sad.
Even Trump was boo’d when he told his flock to take the Covid-19 vaccine.
They voted him back anyway! Couldn’t that be a lesson to this dolt?
The sad thing is that this disgusting fuck isn’t rotting in prison for murdering his own daughter through gross negligence.
That’s the real reason why he’ll always double down. That sort of realisation can fuck someone up and make them shut down to the idea of it completely.