Doing what you suggest wouldn’t make much of a difference; the outcome is simply to be fired later in the day. For the social benefit, it’s a lot to ask.
What it means is that he resigns with a pension, instead of getting fired shortly thereafter and losing it. In case you didn’t follow, one US attorney resigned rather than carry out a bogus prosecution this morning, so Trump proceeded to fire all the rest of them this evening..
Thanks. I’ve edited the post to use the new one
It’s a city-killer at worst. Not enough to take down the US
They’re pretty disorganized about it all:
Mr. Chopra expected to be fired immediately after President Trump took office, but he improbably hung on for nearly two weeks, even as the president ousted scores of other agency leaders. He used that time to impose a $2 million fine on a money transmitter and release reports on auto lending costs, specialty credit reporting companies and rent payment data.
“All” is what I see in reporters’ screenshots of Trump’s Truth Social post. I don’t think I’ve seen interviews with the fired individuals yet.
For sure. I’m expecting that even with significant storage, a cost-optimal system will still need to curtail generation some of the time though.
She did. Per the article:
While Bove’s office insisted that it had, citing a Project Veritas video, Cheung and others didn’t believe the evidence on hand was enough for a grand jury investigation, her letter and additional sources told CNN.
She said after the pushback, the Justice Department instead wanted to freeze assets in a bank related to the Biden-era EPA funding.
Project Veritas content is seriously compromised much of the time; it’s often undercover video which is selectively edited to produce something misleading. You can’t use it as evidence without getting the rest of the context.
Not much chance for any others to do much of anything; Trump fired all the other AGs from the Biden era while we were discussing this.
Tradition in the US is to resign. Last time we had a lot like this, Nixon wound up resigning because he didn’t think he had the support in Congress to avoid conviction when impeached.
The problem is that when you have a direct order to commit a crime, the choice is:
Being fired is a few minutes later isn’t preferable to resigning, though a few people have.
Stick around and sabotage is something you can do when you’re not directly ordered to do something criminal.
Almost nobody has gone vegan during a time period where the population affluent enough to afford regular meat on a regular basis has increased many times over.
If a meaningful chunk of the affluent population went vegan, we’d absolutely see a lot less meat produced. At the individual level, it’s going to make a very modest difference, but that’s how mass changes start.
This is unfortunately not true. There are several mechanisms through which meat production increases greenhouse gas emissions:
Both of you need to cool it here.
If everyone went vegan, that would remove the majority of greenhouse gas production.
This is just false. The biggest source has long been fossil fuel burning, not agriculture, and that remains true even when you include fossil fuel use by agriculture.
On top of that, meat and dairy are only part of agriculture; a big chunk of methane emissions from agriculture come from rice farming.
A huge cut in meat (and dairy) consumption is going to be needed to get to net zero emissions, but it’s not a majority of what is needed. People recommend it strongly in large part because ending meat consumption doesn’t cost people money, so everybody can do it.
Please don’t repeat false claims here.
That’s happened a few times too. It doesn’t really add more than a few tens of minutes to their tenure.
Im not hitting any request for additional information.
It’s a gift article. You shouldn’t be hitting the paywall unless:
Lol no. The plan is to lower taxes for billionaires and make the rest of us pay.