Awesome, thanks!
Awesome, thanks!
Any chance you can measure the diameter of the driver?
60C = 140F…pretty toasty!
How hot does it get on top of ramp?
Why did you make me turn my computer monitor sideways? Oh dear God!
In all seriousness, I’ve been thinking about getting one of these, but I’m curious about how quickly it steps down due to thermal regulation. Most of the reviews I have seen show it dropping like a rock from outer space within about two or three minutes.
I squirt a little ketchup on the copper head of my Astrolux S41S every month or so; it removes the brown oxidation without much effort.
That thing has a trippy battery.
Didn’t realize you were the sandaled rider himself. Seems you and Tacgriz have the worst luck over there.
I wish they had these available couple of years ago; I moved all my self-assembled lights to 21700 Hosts because cheap buck and boost drivers were only available in 20mm and 22mm sizes.
I will contribute with a flashlight meme themed limerick:
There once was a man without foresight
Who’s wife did not approve his new flashlight
His Visa credit card
Lay out in the yard
But came four weeks later his new Hank light