I think you’ll like an editor called micro.
Solve et coagula
I think you’ll like an editor called micro.
Zoxide and cd down
. ;)
Yes, I use Debian and Pacstall works well on it. From their Wiki, you can see that you can target incompatible versions if applicable - I saw it in one app, incompatible with Bullseye but compatible with Bookworm and Ubuntu (maybe git-delta, if I remember well). Also, I have a small contribution to the project as well.
I use Debian and was using Arch in a Distrobox to have some AUR apps (PyCharm, DBeaver, Pulsar Editor and a few more). It’s nice and I recomend you to try and have fun with it. Undoubtedly, Distrobox is a game changer - however, I believe it’s a better tool to set a development environment, with the distro and packages used in the production environment. Nowadays, just to install random software on Debian, I’ve been using Pacstall - try it as well. In the end, I think it integrates better. For example, if I click on a link in a Markdown doc in Pulsar in a box, either it will not open the link if I don’t have another browser within the box or I’ll have to implement a workaround to open the host’s browser.
Minnie: Mickey, are you f_cking crazy?
Mickey: No, I’m f_cking Daisy.
Thank you for confirming!
Thank you for confirming!
I’m using flatpak extensively but I’m looking for faster start-up times. Anyway, thanks for the suggestion.
Just a honest question: if I install Thunderbird using distrobox, can I define it as my default browser? If I click in a mailto link will it work?
Dude, I came here to write the same as you but you were faster and definitely wrote WAY better then I’m capable to do.
The answer is Firefox CSS: https://firefoxcss-store.github.io/
I manage my config files with RCM, this way: https://fedoramagazine.org/managing-dotfiles-rcm/
But I use it for share my dotfiles between my home and my work computer. For distro hopping only, I have my /home mounted in a secondary HD, so it’s never formatted.
For the config files in other paths, I keep a log of everything I changed in Dropbox and then I redo. I admit that this may not be the best solution, but the others works good.
My computer is a Ryzen with AMD GPU as well. Drivers are embedded on kernel, so any distro should fit. Flatpak works fine too, but of course, you will need to install it and add Flathub - simple, but needed ( https://flathub.org/setup/openSUSE ). Steam runs fine, if I remember well. Blender I don’t know, I never used.
Personally, I use Debian, but it’s a different approach from Fedora. My suggestion for you is to try OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. It’s a rolling release, which means bleeding edge software as Fedora, it’s RPM based and it’s easy to rollback in case of an update breaks something. As I said, not my type of distro (I want 0 breaks), but I used OpenSUSE once while distro hopping and it’s a good distro.
Linux Mint Debian Edition is very lightweight and easy to use.
Distrobox is a god send tool for using AUR stuff in any distro.