@Thief_of_Crows - eviltoast
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023


  • I worked at Domino’s for 6 months and was the closer who actually gave a shit about dishes, 5 nights a week. They fired me for mixing up what day I was scheduled, once. I was easily the best driver/closer at the time, LMAO.

    If we actually took an order 2 minutes before close, it was always the fastest delivery of the night. Those orders literally never tipped me more than $1.50. Even the people who apologized for doing it.

    Not sure what the chicken thing is about, we didn’t do it whatever way he was saying.

  • Okay, not actually that interesting.

    Here’s something that is interesting though: In looking it up myself, I discovered that Billion and Trillion are not universal terms, and while in America 1 billion has 9 zeros, in the UK/ parts of EU, it has 12, and from there the number of zeros increases by 6 rather than 3. So 1 trillion in America has 12 zeros, but in Europe it has 18!

  • Yes, that was my point. In both situations, it’s actually quite easy to compare the 2 sides. Both America and Russia use the playbook “Might makes right”. Go ahead and argue that one or the other is worse, there’s good arguments for both. But claiming they’re incomparable is absurd, unless you’re saying it because you think they are too similar to each other to differentiate between. Just like apples and oranges are both medium size, round, sweet fruits with seeds and a reddish-yellow outside. Both groups are essentially the same thing, with a couple intrinsic, but ultimately insignificant, differences.

  • Thanks for the breakdown, I follow news, but there sure is a lot of it lately. And especially with American takes on Russia, it is effectively impossible to find reliable news sources beyond literally Reddit, and now even reddit isn’t reliable. I don’t even trust American News about American news, certainly not Russian.

    On #3, that isnt a regular occurrence, right? I mean, I can imagine Biden getting assassinated, and then a month later Congress gets their quarterly bribes. It definitely looks suspicious, but it’s actually business as usual.

    In #s 1 and 5, that’s all post mortem, right? Are the circumstances of the actual death equally suspicious? Cause like, the CIA and FBI worked very hard to cover up their long association with Lee Harvey Oswald, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they told him to do it. Do you think it’s possible a similar situation could have occured here?

  • I’m not moving the goalposts, America does evil shit in a different way than Russia does. There’s no reason 2 fruits can’t be compared. Like, right now Putin is being nicer to his opponents, due to the genocide America is sponsoring, which is obviously the clear worst possible act. There’s also a lot to be said for Russia staying in their lane. Russia goes to war with their neighbor, USA goes to the middle east, on the literal other side of the globe. America will prosecute Donald Trump but assassinate Snowden, Epstein, MLK, etc. Reversing that doesn’t seem meaningfully worse to me. One could argue it’s better.

  • Uhh, yes, they do. Have you heard of literally any country in South America? Just about every one of them has had a politician murdered by USA.

    Or consider Edward Snowden or Julian Assange. If either American hero returned to his home, he would be killed within a month for made up treason. The two countries have a lot more in common than people seem to think.

    But my overall point is, can you give me any sort of evidence of foul play beyond “trust me bro”? I am more than willing to believe it, but innocent until proven guilty is the only correct way to do this stuff. This comment thread literally looks exactly like when MAGAs were convinced that Hillary Clinton had murdered Seth Rich (along with a couple others I think), just wild baseless speculation being enforced by the hive mind, evidence be damned.

  • Murder and being against human suffering are 2 wildly different things. I have absolutely no problem taking people at their word on matters of base humanity. Not so for murder. You can tell they’re different because one is a felony. If somebody happens to lie about being a decent person to get out of the military, great, more power to em. Whatever they do instead will be far more useful than fighting some pointless war.

    The reason their word is good enough is that they’re not denying a crime, they’re claiming a positive. If everyone started claiming they’re a pacifist, things would get better, not worse.

  • I haven’t played 3, but I say 2 over 1 because it actually fucking works. You can’t get randomly trapped in way too powerful zones, corpses disapper so you don’t trip on them, you can’t get cursed so badly you have to backtrack the entire known world, etc. Also, whoever designed Blighttown took the “bug infested swamp” theme WAY too literally.

    The interlocking map is certainly “cool”, but as far as gameplay is concerned, it’s pretty much the worst way to lay out a world, because you can’t easily get from one place to another, and it will very quickly confuse everybody. There’s one level, new londo ruins, that you can’t attempt without using a pretty rare consumable each time, and when I was attempting it, firelink shrine was extinguished, meaning I had to run for like 5 minutes before each attempt on top of the consumable problem.

    Hbomberguy has a great video about it, you should definitely check it out if you are interested in the games, he obviously puts it much better than I can