Feral horses are a problem in the American plains and west with one of the issues being the fact their carcasses will attract grizzlies or black bears which can then encroach on humans. Hiking out, digging a massive pit, and then burying a horse really isn’t an option so they blow them up to increase the speed of decomposition.
They also degrade and destroy native grassland and the whole problem could be easily solved with a cull of the herds, but some dipshit-wanabe-cowboys are obsessed with “saving” “wild” horses so now the federal government has to spend over a $100 million on horse contraception to keep the population vaguely in check.
TDLR: We blow up a bunch of horses corpses every year because of a politically connected nonprofit.
Don’t eat the onion.
/c/collapse is perhaps a good place to drop this.
Fellas, is it gay to speak Gaulish?
I’m all for sanctioning them too. Economic sanctions are the bare minimum we should be doing to genocidal authoritarians.
Political agenda is a funny euphemism for imperialist invasion and genocide.
I started a Bochet Cyser this month; really looking forward to seeing how it tastes. Its my first bochet and first cyser, so really exploring new territory.
I’ve got my Tang ferment that I mentioned in my other post and some Fireweed wine, which is basically a sugar wine, but its bright fuchsia.
Currently mulling over ideas for what to do with all the blueberries I’ve harvested. I’ll probably just be boring and make a wine but if anyone has any dumb ideas I’d love to try them.
I’m currently brewing up a batch of Tang! We’ll know in a week or so if it was a success.
I’m hoping the synthetic chemicals that give it a citrus flavor are anathema to my yeast so I’ll have something refreshing in a month or so.
Mine was brought back from about this state when a friend gave it to me, so recovery is possible.
Mine thrives with indoor lighting and a little natural light, so don’t fret as long as its not full sun or in a closet it should be fine.
Warmth can just be “not really cold” for people. Anything above 15C is probably passable. So long as its in your house it shouldn’t perish, it might just slow its growth if you don’t have a heater on high.
Humidity might be an issue and over or under watering. If you live someplace where the air is very dry it could be challenging as you’d have to dote on it to keep it in the sweet spot water wise.
Autobrewery syndrome is rare and probably has more to do with your diet and antibiotic use than consuming a few actively fermenting drinks.
Some drinks like pulque are traditionally drunk that way and that’s why they can’t be shipped long distances. So if its been done by other cultures for thousands if years, I’m not a doctor, but I’m gonna wager its fairly safe.
The Federal Government actually owns most of the west. Its the reason why there’s more land for public recreation and national parks in that region of the country.
You can typically hike, camp, or explore BLM land, which is the majority of it, as much as you want so long as you don’t start any fires or litter.
It was only a gallon. The disappointment is mostly that I won’t have a really weird drink this year.
I’ve heard cider can be made with unripe apples. Might be worth a shot.
I’ve got my continuous brew of kombucha going for my daily consumption.
On the more interesting side, I’ve got some spruce tip mead going which I’m hoping turns out well. There was a little bit of a scare where I was concerned it could be infected, but it seems fine.
Sadly, I was doing an experiment with sea lovage spiced mead which succumbed to mold and needed to be dumped. Something to retry next year.
This year’s berry harvest is basically FUBAR. Global warming did a number on it so now there’s near zero salmonberries and the ones which did appear are partially desiccated or only half ripe. So no salmonberry wine this year, probably even not enough for jam :(
Blueberries are way too early, but they’re tasting fine at least. I’ll probably try a blueberry wine or mead. Encountered a few hiccups last year because of their acidity, but I’m better equipped this year so hopefully that turns out well and I can bottle some stuff for the winter.
The US wasn’t conducting a genocidal war in Afghanistan. The Russian government is explicitly attempting to erase Ukraine as an entity and anyone who calls themselves Ukrainian with it.
Ngl I kinda want zeplin public transit.
neither party when elected do anything meaningful to secure the border or deport illegals.
It might shock you to learn the best way to prevent immigration is to make the countries experiencing outflows more stable and liveable, but I’m gonna take a wild guess you don’t like foreign aid.
maintain demographics
There sure was a lot of hand wringing before you wrote down what your actual problem with immigration was.
Pray tell what is the ideal demographic make up if the United States?
monero icon
Imagine branding yourself with the image of a way to circumvent state authority only to lick the boot at the first opportunity.
Sadly, this is probably true.
Deadliest catch story lines are drying up. Gotta have Harris call in an airstrike on an illegal Chinese trawler.
I was going to say the same. Funny it gets written off today as a hoax when tons of people had to fix slews of bugs. It could’ve been bad, but fortunately the worst I heard about was some people getting stuck in some elevators.
In my experience people don’t like being told their diet is bad.