I’m native, i don’t need any incentive to stand against you and your fascist wannabes no matter what they cal themselves
I’m native, i don’t need any incentive to stand against you and your fascist wannabes no matter what they cal themselves
In nazi land, everyone becomes illegal eventually
I’m a Latino and I’ve always seen ice as the Gestapo of your country, I’m glad everyone else is seeing it. Ice has been a hellhole where the most evil and destructive humans end up working from its beginning.
I’ve been hearing this my whole life and I’m old now, none of the parties seem to have any interest in building transit. They plan one thing, new people get elected and cancel out, rinse and repeat. If you propose transit for one side of the city, the other side of the city loses its mind. So it’s like a political football just being tossed back and forth
Germany starts world war 3
The rest of the world: “how do we keep falling for this?”
I was born in a war, in the third world. I often say that Americans wouldn’t be so gung ho about war if the war was fought on their soil for once. They’ve had it nice and cozy, using other people’s homes as battlefields and policing what everyone else is doing globally.
The White House called the premiere of Ontario to tell him to tone down the rhetoric and tariffs 😂 imagine attacking someone then complaining cause they retaliated
First the U.S now John Cena 😭
No masks, says the guy with the supporters wearing masks and carrying nazi flags
Democrat or non trump voters aren’t an ethnic group
I don’t care about the nuance, that’s your idiot country’s problem. I care about the jackass you guys put in charge
Oh wow, what a fucked up comparison.
We’re a different kind of Canadian, i mean i hate the Canadian government too but I’m of native blood so nothing you guys say is gonna make me see Americans as a whole favourably, you may say “don’t generalize” but we all do it, including you
All the business owners voted trump and now they’re crying about free trade 😂
Most of those games with saves like Zelda have dead batteries and people in the game is garbage, it just needs a new one. Found that out cause my gb Pokémon yellow wasnt working
It’s not about republicans, democrats, left or right anymore. It’s all Americans. As a Canadian I don’t see the difference anymore, your entire country is now an enemy
Nope you guys wanted this by either not voting or by voting trump.
The bad graphics don’t bother me, but the control schemes on some of those old games are atrocious and really hard to control in 2025. Tried playing syphon filter and I was smashing into every wall
Bunch of freaky, sex starved trekkies? No surprised
First John Cena then Germany