@Azarova - eviltoast

Azarova [they/them]


  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • It seems sort of weird to say, but almost everything but also nothing at the same time? A lot of my reactionary/liberal opinions were just regurgitations of points I had picked up from family/friends/school/media/etc and hadn’t really thought through and didn’t hold nearly as strongly as the positions I have now, so much so that I hesitate to even call them opinions (except for a few things like queer rights, since I was aware of my queerness relatively young, though my thinking on the topic has certainly evolved). Once I started becoming actually politcally conscious, I gradually started to realize all this and began slowly unlearning pretty much everything I had been taught and passively absorbed about socialist states, much of history (US history especially), how American politics actually function, etc. It’s honestly a little embarassing how flimsy the foundation was for a lot of my liberal/reactionary beliefs. That all being said, this process started shortly after I started to transition, an experience that shattered a lot of illusions I had been sold about capitalism and liberalism. Seeing my rights on the chopping block with the 2016 election, and then seeing the liberal response be the pussy hat march and then… just about fuck all else, made realize socialists and communists were the only ones who actually gave enough of a shit to do something. Once I realized who my real allies were, everything else followed after that.

  • when Lenin legislated

    I get why people talk about this in this way, but I think it’s a mistake to ascribe intent to this when the decriminalization was a by product of doing away with the Tsarist legal code entirely. There are other instances of socialist states actively pursuing a policy in the direction of queer liberation (earlier and more comprehensive than even modern Western states), such as the GDR in the 80’s and Cuba with their new constitution, but unfortunately the Soviet Union was not one of them.