Should i be giving a shit about my posture? - eviltoast

I was experiencing some neck pain, and went online in search of some at-home remedies. Of the remedies, posture was one of them which got me thinking: “Does posture really matter that much?”.

So will fixing my posture help with my neck pain and grant me numerous other benefits i see on these blogs?

    1 小时前

    So to correct one thing:

    Poor posture is a symptom of poor core strength, particularly, your rhomboids and lower back. If your muscles are both stronger and more flexible, they will literally pull your bones into the correct alignment, without any conscious thought towards sitting straighter.

    Start by taking a short walk once a day (free). A 100 day pushup challenge (free) or starting Yoga classes (can be free on YouTube, but in-person has several benefits, including having someone correcting your form, and some social structures to help provide extra motivation) would be a great next step. Longer term, maybe light weights and rows alongside using a treadmill or stationary bike.

    If you choose to look into weight training, “Starting strength” is a decent program by Mark Rippetoe that I would recommend.