Union strong
Good work
25% over 4 years? So if you’re making 20$/hr you’ll be getting a ~1.25$ raise every year. How generous…
That’s an extra $10,400/year.
1.25×40×52= +2,600 per year before taxes, they would hit +10k after 4 years which almost certainly won’t keep up with inflation. So at best they would have equal spending power to when the 4 year period started
It is roughly 5% increase each year, right? Inflation in Seattle is about 3.1% - so it is a very meh offer from the business.
Sorry, what rate do you think inflation is at? More than 25% over 4 years?
Boeing collecting those Ls
25% over four years is garbage.
I really wish people would get off the “you made me do”. I support the workers 100%, and recognize I can own my own actions, whether I look back and say they were appropriate, and I’m fine with it, or inappropriate, and I need to address my triggers. It doesn’t become the abused to adopt language of the abuser.
This is really bad. When they go on strike, next thing you know doors and panels will fall off their planes and their spacecraft will start to break down. Oh wait… Never mind.