Biden administration signals it will support push to hit ICC with sanctions - eviltoast
    5 months ago

    We need to fight for a rules based order!

    No, not like that!

    Seriously, what is the appropriate way for the world to respond to Israel?

    Grassroots economic protest (bds) is literally illegal in parts of the US.

    Any move in the UN security council is met with a US veto.

    An ICJ investigation application is met with condemnation.

    An ICC warrent application is met with not only condemnation, but a reiteration of the standing US threat to invade the Hague, or otherwise use “any person described in subsection (b) who is being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court” [0]. Also the mere issuing of a warrent that will likely never be excersized is already being met with the threat of sanctions.

    Is there anything that the US thinks is an appropriate way of opposing Israel?

    Yes! After Israel engaged in a clear act of war against Iran and Syria by bombing high ranking Iranian military officials in Syria [1], Iran launched an innefective pro-forma counter attack. The US was very clear on our position. No US military support for an Israeli reprisal. Israel shoul just “take the win” and call it a day.

    In Ukraine, a country facing a much more existential threat than Israel [2], the US’s position has been very clear: “no using US resources to strike within thrme borders of your attacker”.

    For all of its rhetoric, the actual position of the US and Israel is clear. The only form of opposition to Israeli action that they will respect is the threat of military violence. [3].

    Hopefully the rules based order has enough support to stand up against the US opposition. But it is really not good that that is the conversation we are having.

    [0] sec 2008

    [1] The details of this strike are arguably a war crime. However weather you agree with that assessment or not, launching a missile into another country and killing military leaders is about as classic “act of war” as you can get.

    [2] This is not a statement on the morals or goals of Russia compared with Gaza. Simply a statement of their military capabilities and ability to see those goals to fruition.

    [3] Of course, following through on such a threat would be met with an in-kind response, but neither the US nor Israel seem to want to be fighting a capable enemy right now.

      4 months ago

      There is an answer if you’re honestly asking. The State Department needs to issue Biden with a conclusive report of war crimes that he can use as a platform for withdrawal of support. POTUS doesn’t listen to news or foreign intelligence over their own State Department.