1 point for the episode/main plot. 1 point for the joke/scene.
Also points are made up and don’t matter
I used to be able to guess Simpsons episodes, but then they changed what the episodes were. Now playing ‘Guess The Episode’ seems weird and scary to me, and it’ll happen to you!
No way man, I’ll play Simpsons trivia forever!
Homerpalooza! Correct!
“Can’t talk, Mom, coming down.”
Made me think of this. Hope it’s the right episode.
Before we start, we have a lost child here. If she’s not claimed within the next hour, she will become property of Blockbuster Entertainment.
At this point, I’ve had too much homemade kahlúa to guess.
Aww, my homemade kahlua.
This episode gave me a new found respect for Peter Frampton.
For authentic refreshment, eat Clark bars.
I’m guessing its something like CartmanLand but the Simpsons did it first.