IDF completes road across width of Gaza, satellite images show - BBC News - eviltoast
    7 months ago

    Not the fucking Israelis.

    They expect everyone else to fix what they broke and protect them, while they mouth the hands that feed.

    How long would they last without big daddy USA?

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          7 months ago

          Okay we agree on that. You break it you buy it, as solid rationale as any. I think they not only pay but also have to administer the reconstruction, and that in addition to the work of rebuilding Gaza’s physical structures and infrastructure, Israel must rebuild the institutions of Gaza, free of Hamas corruption and Iranian influence.

                • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                  7 months ago

                  Mainly geography. But also nobody else cares enough about Gaza to spend the time and money. The people that live there have no infrastructure or institutions in place to rebuild, let alone the materials and labor to do the work. Leaving Gaza to fix itself it not an option. Like where would Gaza even get the machinery or lumber if not from Israel?

                  Hamas’s international benefactors only give money if Hamas is fielding fighters and killing Jews. If Hamas is gone, Gaza is just another failed-state, thrid-world hell hole with no natural resources.

                  I’m not bursting this bubble for you right? Like where do you think this goes from here? Talking about, either a fully militarized border across which nothing travels and the famine everyone is concerned about comes to fruition and the death toll goes from 30,000 to 300,000, which nobody with any say in the matter wants, or Israel takes full control of Gaza for at least some period of time, maybe forever.

                  Right now Gaza is a warzone. When that is no longer true, it will at least remain under martial law while as the last pockets of Hamas resistance are rooted out and the last tunnels collapsed. It’s up to Hamas whether that takes one year or ten years. Hamas is in charge of Gaza and they do not follow any international laws or social norms. They will absolutely not be given a country to do whatever they please.

                    7 months ago

                    So because Israel destroyed it they get to pay to fix it, there can be an international coalition that can oversee the funds and the rebuilding.

                    Israel gets no fucking say at all about it.

                    Put up a 1km border zone encased on every side with fucking concrete and fill the whole son of a bitch with land mines with remote control machine guns with the only maintenance access on the Israeli side.

                    Kill anything inside, with solid walls there is no way for innocents to get in accidentally.

                    Take .5km from each side.

                    Fucking problem solved.

                    Let them try hang gliding over that and surviving