New school bus route is a 'disaster,' Kentucky superintendent admits. Last kids got home at 10 pm - eviltoast
    1 year ago

    Yes, the parents in my area (not the area this article is about) I am blaming, but my area does not have a mismanagement issue so much as it has a massive shortage of bus drivers.

    The bottom line is that in my state the school has no responsibility to provide transportation for your children get to school (outside of specific circumstances).Think of that how you will but ultimately that’s neither here nor there. Don’t have children if you don’t want the responsibility that comes with them. And further, even if having children wasn’t your choice that doesn’t change that responsibility.

    The other thing that needs mentioning is I’m singling out the vocal minority in particular. The people who get irate about the situation and think there has to be someone to blame in the BoE when more often than not the situation is out of their hands. The people who want to shout the loudest at people who’s hands are tied are the least likely to lift a finger to alleviate the situation. And I get not everyone can just drop what they’re doing, get an S endorsement and subsist on a bus driver’s salary, but there’s more than enough that can and won’t. It’s akin to the hand wringing about “dey tuk ar jerbs”, the people who actually believe that won’t actually go out and work as busboys, roofers, tree trimmers and farm hands. That’s above them and too little of a wage for too much labor.

    Instead of getting pissed at the BoE because there’s a driver shortage due to subpar wages, increasingly hostile work environments and incredible amounts of responsibility and liability, maybe they could, I dunno, vote more responsibly? Write their state and federal representatives? Direct the anger at the people who have incredible control over the situation without having skin in the game?

    Edit: and what the hell are you even talking about with “privatized bus transport companies”? Bus drivers are BoE employees meaning employees of their city/county school system and therefore state/public employees.