Kremlin All But Admits Tucker Carlson Is a Useful Idiot - eviltoast

A spokesperson for the Russian government clarified that it has rejected requests to interview Vladimir Putin from reputable media outlets

The Kremlinā€™s first public response to Tucker Carlsonā€™s announcement that heā€™s landed an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin was to fact-check the former Fox News host.

On Wednesday, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Carlson had indeed interviewed Putin, but took issue with Carlsonā€™s claim that ā€œnot a single Western journalist has botheredā€ to interview Russiaā€™s president throughout the nationā€™s war with Ukraine, which has raged for more than two years.


Putinā€™s refusal to sit down with most Western media outlets likely has less to do with accusations of bias so much as an unwillingness to be subjected to legitimate scrutiny of his government. Russia has been accused of committing atrocities and war crimes in its offensive against Ukraine, including the unlawful executions of civilians. Putinā€™s government is also infamous for its frequent detainment of political rivals and critics, as well as the cloud of mysterious deaths and poisonings of those in his orbit.

Whether Carlson will question Putin on any of these matters remains to be seen. The former Fox News hostā€™s history of granting softball interviews to controversial influencers, political figures, and authoritarian leaders, indicates this is unlikely. Given everything we know about Putinā€™s propaganda machine, itā€™s clear that in Carlson, the Russian government sees a safe opportunity to broadcast its carefully crafted messaging to American viewers.

    1 year ago

    Philip K Dick was a douchebag but his art was honest and very thought invoking. I love the way some peopleā€™s ideas and presentation makes me consider hard subjects.

    Hunter S Thompson was a nightmare of a person. Can you imagine being in his cross hairs when heā€™s fuckin lit? But even when heā€™s seeing lizard people fucking each other in a Vegas Bar or having a lucid moment in the middle of a flooded hotel room and everywhere he looks heā€™s describing the extent of a 1960s drug experience. Itā€™s absolutely fascinating! I donā€™t do drugs but how else would I get an honest experience except from someone who is intellectually honest with himself and his writing?

    Would I want to hang out with either of those guys or Hemingway or any of those people with difficult histories? Probably not. Would I spend hours and hours experiencing the world through the lens of their world? Fuckin right I would.

    Nobody is perfect. Quit expecting it. All your heroes have a major personality flaw. Itā€™s human.

      1 year ago

      Thatā€™s some crazy waving away of someoneā€™s crimes to justify liking them. I mean Noam Chomsky was great for me too until I found out about him and Epstein. Now I donā€™t really care what he says.

      Or Polanski, great movies? Iā€™ll never know cause I refuse to watch anything he puts out.

      Waving away peopleā€™s awfulness cause they made art is how you end up with people like Victor Salva, a guy who was convicted of repeatedly raping his 12 year old child star, and after he gets out, heā€™s given more directing jobs and people praising his movies.

        1 year ago

        Polanski made some very good films with lots of people who did amazing performances. Your argument is weak and doesnā€™t deal with all the other people involved. Polanski should have gone to jail and I am not going to defend him personally but he didnā€™t make porn with children so his professional endeavors can be judged for themselves. He is a coward and disgusting but he also is a pretty good example of men of his generation.