Got it from a religious cringe instance, as how people of the 80s will live in the future… Mostly accurate except the shirt that still goes too hard.
R U G D S ☠️
Are we not talking about that process cut shirt saying SEX on the shoulder?
That’s a tattoo
Turns out the bible people ended up being the gun nuts, not sexually liberated people with tattoos.
almost as if there is a link between violence and sexuald frustration.
You’re saying the guy with the bible is a devo?
I am saying I would not trust him to watch my kids. I never trust religious fucks. They can just pray to make sin go away. How they hell can you trust anyone who thinks wishing at the sky means they can do whatever they want?
Chic tracts. Serious propaganda aimed at convincing 80s children that they will be going to vividly imagined hell if they don’t accept Jesus as their lord and savior. I’m not ashamed to say my 12 year old self had a moment of doubt.
They’re a great source of meme materials. The D&D one is legendary.
I’m a fan of weirdly supportive Satan
Wow, no kidding about being supportive! I’m pretty impressed by the quality therapy provided here by the Prince of Darkness.
Something tells me the rest of the tract plotline doesn’t quite portray it that way.
He even looks concerned. Empathy for others, truly a foreign, evil concept for Fundamentalist Christians.
Hell yeah lol.
I also like how the gal is actually enjoying the date since he’s not trying to just immediately grope her boobs/proposition her xD
Based Satan, but it is super creepy that they think that what he’s saying is evil.
Seems like a tough love type. Yeah I like him too.
You just don’t know I’m really your sister.
Why is that a video?
Skill issue on my end, I think I fixed it
Boy he really did have to drive home the point that elfstar was learning the really real magic of realness .
Chick tracts are not chic.
Hey kept making those right up to his death a few years ago.
I need that monkey ancestor shirt I neeeeeeed it
See link below to order!
This ad is okay because it plagiarised a religious nut job, and that’s funny.
I’m partial to the “drugs” shirt as well
Wait, which side loves guns?
Ah, you see the event is always both weak and strong. The enemy is too weak to realize how guns help you protect your rights and your family while at the same time the enemy is very strong and dangerous and is armed to the teeth with guns and wants to take away your rights and kill your family.
These are the ‘bad guys with guns’, allowed to run free at the liberal indoctrination centers thanks to liberal gun restrictions somehow
I love that the bible is half thr size of the kid and titled “The truth for youth”. Just wow!
Assuming there is a hell would you go to it if you jerked it to a girl in a Jack Chick tract?
Guns? Cops? Leather dusters? Is this anti-libertarian propaganda?
Was looking for the drug shirt but I found this neat one:
We can make them…
Sent to the principals office for being a nerd
These feels like an exploitable meme template.
Exploit the memes of production
I grew up with these as a homeschooled kid AMA
Are the guns supposed to be bad or good?
Ah here the guns are bad because Satan is holding them. If Jesus were holding them they’d be inalienable rights
How long did it take to understand how antithetical alternative facts are to everyone else’s views?
I learned too early and it got me grounded a lot. My brother got bitter he couldnt share them and my sister doesn’t think women should vote
How was your education?
I was taught by abeka books that evolution is just a theory so we shouldn’t be swayed by it and ray comfort told me intelligent design is proved by a banana. The earth is probably only 6k to 10k years old because really smart people counted back the names in the Bible and multiplied it by the average life span between now and Methuselah.
Fr though I dropped out of college but I got miscellaneous tech certs so im doing just fine. I had to unlearn for years before anything made sense. My grandfather tutored me though and he was a very skilled engineer with pieces in a museum so it made a difference. He was sometimes mean but he liked my curious side where most shut it down.
Bananas do prove intelligent design, but only of the banana – they were selectively bred by humans to be how they are. Wild bananas were much smaller and stubbier.
Ever pull up a wild onion? I got to give our ancestors credit. It takes a lot of effort to look at this bulb smaller than an acorn and see any potential.
And have seeds in them.