Denial is over. Climate change is happening. But why do we still act like it's not? - eviltoast
    10 months ago

    The issue is the extreme power imbalance. My ‘cloud’ will be a small space, surrounded by capitalism on all fronts. Like an oil field that’s not drilled, but all fields around it are drilled. It’s emptied anyway.

    You cannot be ‘apart’ from capitalism as even if you are, or try to be, outside - your position is still going to be defined as an outsider to capitalism and all the hardships that entails.

    And if you get a ‘cloud’ big or powerful enough - let’s look at history, what would happen?

    Genocide. That’s what happens. Every time.

    I believe in personal relationships. Trying to be in good relationships makes this mess endurable and, I believe, safest.

    • Chigü
      10 months ago

      Yeah. But I mean, I don’t really care about more oppression. It has always been there. And if something is for certain I see it as having two options:

      1. Stay still and die
      2. Act accordingly

      To say the truth, I’m motivated both by my desire to live a happy and fulfilling life and see my nieces grow. And everytime I think if this is worth it, even if it is really small, I think it is. Because I see it as not abandoning myself, nor abandoning my loved ones.

      Change is possible, and if history taught us something: you can kill the revolutionary, but not the revolution.

      There are still many popular movements currently working in that future you and I are looking forward. So alone, you are not. Just be open to the possibility to give a good fight. For yourself and those you hold dear. And I remember the first thing I was taught in direct action: once you learn you can do something, it becomes hella easy doing it more times.

      I send you my best wishes friend, I want you to know I feel ya.