The other warning Republicans should heed from this year’s elections - eviltoast

Republicans don’t seem to know how to stop bleeding support from the suburbs.

    11 months ago

    The GOP is in a rough spot right now. Their whole thing for the past 40 years was about fighting boogymen to court the evangelical and fundamentalist sects, while relying on votes from the moderates who like the economic or foreign policy.

    Then Obama proved the impossible by being a largely successful presidentwhile scandalously having a darker skin tone. From there, the party’s culture shifted right and they started actually trying to change things that should’ve stayed as punching bags.

    “Look, we’re fighting for the rights of unborn children here but the evil leftists have too much support. You better keep voting for us or it’s going to get worse”

    A phrase like that will hook the far right into voting for you, and the moderates will basically ignore it and continue to vote for you because they want to keep immigration to a minimum or keep taxes where they are.

    Now that the GOP started actually pushing for sweeping social change, the far right got a taste of blood and are screaming for more while the moderates are starting to look to the dems as they’re now far more likely to keep things normal.