Libs be like "all movies and shows in China, North Korea, Cuba, and Russia are propaganda, while our shows are actually artistic and expressive!" - eviltoast

Bruh there is literally a popular media character called Captain America.

If you were trying to satirically come up with the main character of a state propaganda show, a name like that would probably come to mind. For satire.

Imagine how US Libs would react if a superhero called Captain China started getting really popular.

  • DankZedong
    2 years ago

    I don’t know the show so I Googled it. It does look violent but then again a lot of shows I watched as a kid were violent to some extent. The thing with these people is that they want to see ghosts so badly that they start imagining them. It’s the same people that say ‘AT WHAT COST?’ about every positive piece of news coming out of China/DPRK. They can’t accept reality.