I’m so tired of America letting the worst pieces of shit get away with anything. One side breaks the speed limit by 2mph and they’re euthanized. The other side rapes and kills all of Asia, and nothing happens.
The two sides you’re talking about is the rich vs the poor.
The rich get to do what they want because no one holds them accountable. The people that should be holding them accountable are corrupted by the endless money that the rich have.
The “people” could change this over night but the rich have us all divided.
If you want real change stop hating your neighbor and start banding together. That will never happen tho because the rich are winning this war.
Are you seriously trying to convince us that these fucking Nazis are our allies? If I were in a room with Bill Gates and a dirt poor Nazi and had a gun with one bullet, I’d shoot the Nazi.
No class solidarity with bigots. They do not get a seat at the table.
I’m so tired of America letting the worst pieces of shit get away with anything. One side breaks the speed limit by 2mph and they’re euthanized. The other side rapes and kills all of Asia, and nothing happens.
The two sides you’re talking about is the rich vs the poor.
The rich get to do what they want because no one holds them accountable. The people that should be holding them accountable are corrupted by the endless money that the rich have.
The “people” could change this over night but the rich have us all divided.
If you want real change stop hating your neighbor and start banding together. That will never happen tho because the rich are winning this war.
Are you seriously trying to convince us that these fucking Nazis are our allies? If I were in a room with Bill Gates and a dirt poor Nazi and had a gun with one bullet, I’d shoot the Nazi.
No class solidarity with bigots. They do not get a seat at the table.
Are you seriously trying to tell me that these Nazis didn’t come about BECAUSE of rich people?
If so I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Don’t care. No solidarity with Nazis. No making friends, no compromise, no collaberating. Ever.
Congratulations on being daft.