His jokes just don’t land anymore. Can’t remember the last time I found one of his videos entertaining. On the contrary, watching his newer content actually makes me feel sad.
His indie game company is a really cool thing though
Bigmode is fine, but… Slightly controversial opinion here - I don’t actually care that much for indie games. I think they are healthy for the gaming ecosystem, and certainly there have been indie games I’ve played in the past that have absolutely blown my socks off, but I usually just wait for someone to tell me if there are any indie titles out there worth playing. I wouldn’t watch his channel just to get that info.
Check out “arctic eggs” haha
Joe Rogan podcast, unsubbed and stopped watching about 5-6 years ago when he stopped being progressive and started sucking billionaire dick nonstop
My brother finally got me into him like two months before he started going downhill. It was a shocking transition even for a new listener like me.
Yea… It was such a nice thing to have on in the background at work. Sad
Fucking AvE…
I hung on every damn vidjeo
I still watch him how and then, I probably even agree with some of his hot takes, but he’s just fucking tonedef heading into the conservative crap.
His content took a sharp decline when COVID happened. Pretty sure the whole thing gave him severe brain damage.
So many people I used to watch when YT first started were discovered to be pedophiles or rapists… 😟
i wonder if the fame turned them into that or they were always pedos to begin with
I’d imagine it’s always been there, but their fame gave them access to a devoted fanbase willing to do anything for them.
And then things just devolve…
Probably caused a feedback loop. He could have grown out of being a douche, but his audience was built on him being a douche and fed that behavior.
So many of these early youtubers gave me bad vibes turned into shitheels later on doesn’t surprise me.
I think it depends on which definition of pedophile you’re using. If you mean the act of abuse, then the fame gave them the opportunity and unless pre crime is wrong they weren’t pedophiles prior to the act so in some sense it did make them a pedo (but obviously they’re still responsible for their own actions). If you mean the mental disorder of being attracted to minors, then it’s likely they always were, I don’t think fame would make you suddenly desire that.
i briefly watched Onision until it dawned on me what a massive narcissistic douche he is…
How right i was
Member Thunderf00t? Had to un-sub after he went full misogyny during gamergate, and I’ve popped in since it’s not gotten any better it’s still him doing the same shtick hasn’t evolved even a little… Usually about Elon Musk, which sounds like it would be good content, but not when you exposed your biases and don’t change anything.
Yeah, I liked Thunderf00t for a short time… and then when gamergate hit I felt ashamed that I’d mentioned watching his videos and hoped that no one remembered. I haven’t checked back in recent years though.
I was a teenager when he made the turn and started “owning” feminism. I sat there thinking that all his criticisms where not only adressed by femenist writers 40 years ago, but often even integral parts of some strains of femisms, and i had just begun reading entry level stuff on the subject. That’s when i learned what a unintellectual dunkhead he really was.
Yeah, that was an interesting time for online discourse lol, basically peak Anti-SJW.
A whole conversation could be had around how all of that went down
I still go back occasionally to Shaun’s classic vids dismantling the sheer stupidity on display.
I was introduced to him somewhere around solar freaking roadways. And I thought okay this is cool He’s just going to go and debunk stuff.
And the next five videos I watched had no substance whatsoever to them. He was just repeating the same debunking over and over. I don’t think I even got down to the point where he was spouting misogynist bullshit.
First 300 Elon videos were a banger, after the 1000th it got kinda boring /s
Honestly, James Stephanie Sterling.
I had been following them since The Escapist days, but a few years ago I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was only interested in their Jimquisition stuff, and that had gotten really samey week over week.
It felt extra bad because this was after they had already lost like 20% of their subscribers for other reasons. I really hate that I might be lumped in with all those lovely folks when my reasons for leaving were entirely separate.
I still appreciate their message, though. I still think the Digital Homicide saga is one of the more interesting Internet dramas I’ve been witness to. And I still check in from time to time, mostly for their year-end lists and if something specific has happened in the gaming industry that I want their opinion on.
What I’m trying to say is, thank God for JSS, but only in small doses for me personally.
I’m in the same boat. I quit watching right before they came out as trans because their videos were the same thing every week. “Video game industry bad, publishers bad.” Which is a message I agree with, 100%, but when that’s literally all you say in every video its hard not to lose interest.
I forgot about them after that for a few years and was admittedly surprised by the change. Things seem to be rough for them lately, getting a divorce and moving to a new city right before COVID. I want to support them, but I watched their latest videos and it was exactly the same as before I quit. Nothing content-wise had changed.
I think a big part of that is that video game criticism really has evolved since then. Folks like shaun, hbomberguy, and many others share the same philosophy and ideas as JSS, but offer so much more depth than the “video games bad!” ranting that JSS has never been able to get beyond.
You could really feel JSS backslide on the podcast too. It became really evident that Laurakbuzz was carrying more and more of the weight of the cast, and JSS acted like they didn’t even want to be there, even leaving partway through some episodes.
I’ve been off the JSS train for a while now.
I’m still subbed but rarely watch. I think I just somewhat outgrew that kind of gaming drama content, it feels less consequential than it did 10 years ago.
Though you have to commend her for sticking with the YouTube thing and staying true to herself under these conditions.
Yeah, I had to do that with Nux Taku. The guy made funny videos back in the day, but he slowly became a “Anti-woke” conservative mouthpiece. It’s funny because the video that made me unsubscribe was a video of his saying how another youtuber got cancelled for being too woke.
One hundred percent, that person did not get cancelled for being “woke” and if they did see a dip in viewers, it was something else.
I used to follow a youtuber who slowly realized that the earnings when using her talent and profession fell short of just doing OF and showing bikini photos.
Thats a bit surprising, most OF models dont actually make much as I understand, though maybe doing content creation prior comes with a built in audience
If I remember, this was recent and posted here a few weeks ago. She was already doing OF when she made the announcement. She was already making a ton of money through it.
The problem is that the site offers very little in the way of discoverability and differentiation. You’re not even getting to the free stuff without a CC enabled acct.
If someone just opens an account there and shows up it’s not enough. They have to pop up in social media and engage with people. Hey I’m fun, I’m over here and I’m worth the time and money. They have to know their market and clientele and drag them in.
V sauce michael here
Where are your fingers?
Yeah, his stuff started getting more and more infrequent, and he started shilling products.
Yeah, he’s found his charismatic enough to go on tours and collaborate with make real money. The couple of things he did with Adam Savage were pretty cool.
Is that guy that pointing the gun at the other one Jordan B Peterson?
I thought this was a Of Mice and Men reference.
it is.
if you don’t know, the big guy in the foreground has a severe learning disability and kills a woman by accident, not really understanding the consequences of what he’s done, he’s being executed by his friend to give him a quick death as the lynch mob approaches.
i took it as that too
It’s mitt Romney
Now, I can only imagine a children’s book about Of Mice and Men.
one time i subscribed to someone and a week later they shifted to youtube kids clickbait slop
I very rarely manually subscribe or unsubscribe now, it just picks up on what I watch generally.
Resist the algorithms, we must
Resist the algorithms
Yeah I just switched to Piped/Tubular/Grayjay; you sub to who you want; no recommendations. IF someone is good enough to watch, they’ll collab with their friends and you can grow that way.
The best part is, I run out of content, and I go do other things.
Really? I found the algorithm had really gone to shit maybe 3 or 4 years ago. Half my recommendations were stuff I’d already seen and another quarter were shorts.
Since then I’m fully subscription based.
Mini Ladd moment
Have you heard about PlasmaMasterDon? I used to follow him and like every video… That was shocking!