Tradition in the US is to resign. Last time we had a lot like this, Nixon wound up resigning because he didn’t think he had the support in Congress to avoid conviction when impeached.
oh boy do I have a tower in paris to sell you. people are going to have to learn how to say no if they want to get rid of trump lol.
the whole point of these orders are to identify the people who have a back bone and get rid of them. following tradition is literally the worst stance to take in this situation.
Nixon wound up resigning because he didn’t think he had the support in Congress to avoid conviction when impeached.
And this part, quite literally is how we got Fox news…
Roger Ailes had said “if we had a friendly media then Nixon would never have had to resign.” Now they have their fox, the propaganda flows and keeps Republicans from ever having to face consequences. The lies cover their actions and they never face proper pressure. :(
The problem is that when you have a direct order to commit a crime, the choice is:
Being fired is a few minutes later isn’t preferable to resigning, though a few people have.
Stick around and sabotage is something you can do when you’re not directly ordered to do something criminal.
silly take. getting fired is the best outcome then you sue for wrongful termination.
Tradition in the US is to resign. Last time we had a lot like this, Nixon wound up resigning because he didn’t think he had the support in Congress to avoid conviction when impeached.
oh boy do I have a tower in paris to sell you. people are going to have to learn how to say no if they want to get rid of trump lol.
the whole point of these orders are to identify the people who have a back bone and get rid of them. following tradition is literally the worst stance to take in this situation.
Not much chance for any others to do much of anything; Trump fired all the other AGs from the Biden era while we were discussing this.
oh? have a linky? that’d be wonderful news. thats a group that interacts with federal judges on the regular.
No articles yet; just legal reporters posting Truth Social screenshots
found one from msn.
And this part, quite literally is how we got Fox news…
Roger Ailes had said “if we had a friendly media then Nixon would never have had to resign.” Now they have their fox, the propaganda flows and keeps Republicans from ever having to face consequences. The lies cover their actions and they never face proper pressure. :(
Also being fired puts all your benefits at risk. Might as well resign and keep your pension then be fired “for cause” and potentially lose it.
What benefits?