Owl vs Cow - eviltoast

From Salthaven Wildlife Rehab

This Great Horned Owl had an udderly unlucky encounter with a cow, resulting in a fractured right carpometacarpus-a critical bone in the wing that helps birds fly. The owl was quickly brought to Salthaven for care, where the team at Mount Brydges Animal Clinic confirmed the injury with X-rays, allowing us to begin treatment.

To stabilize the fracture and qive it the best chance to heal, our team carefully placed the wing in a wrap. Now, after weeks of dedicated care and rest, the wing is out of the wrap, and the owl is ready to start test flights.

This determined owl is moo-ving steadily toward a full recovery, and we’re hopeful it will soon take to the skies again. Stay tuned for updates.

  • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    one wonders… why a cow? like I assume the cow was more or less minding its own business- it can’t fly, so the ow could just avoid it at will…