We need to abolish this IP trollery. It stifles human development as a whole and even kills people (pharma). Ideas are cheap.
Wait… How do Trade Secrets work?
I thought that the individuals might be in legal trouble if they violate NDAs or No Compete clauses but that once the “secret” was out it was fair game.
The secret was an extraction shooter using DnD Classes. It’s very unique and not derivative at all.
I mean, didn’t matter if you build it on a codebase you yoinked
They didn’t yoink the code base. That would be copyright infringement and the judge said they didn’t do that.
If they stole the code that would be copyright infringement.
OpenAI would like a chat
Isn’t the point of a trade secret that it can’t be legally protected? It’s secret because there is no consequence for another company using it if they find out