So the cartels, who profit directly from the high demand of drugs by Americans, were given weapons, by Americans, to meet that demand of drugs. They then essentially hijacked the mexican government with those guns and violence in order to keep their drug supply available to Americans, meanwhile destroying hope for peaceful life for many many towns and people in mexico. But it’s the Mexicans trying to escape those problems, once again created by demand in the US, who are the problem?
How very fucking American.
You know who doesn’t have a fentanyl problem? Mexico. They’re not the ones creating demand.
I’m simplifying, I know, but I’m very fucking tired of Mexicans and South Americans being blamed as if the US hadn’t fucked the entire country and almost the entire South American continent over for the last 50 years.
I know I’m probably preaching to the choir here but fuck man I’m just tired.
The exact plan is to make everyone too tired to understand they’re being played against each other.
The average American lives nearly identical lives and has nearly identical axioms, wants and feelings as the average Mexican, the average South American, the average Canadian, etc. The only real differences are superficial and aesthetic, and if we all woke up with amnesia tomorrow, and the borders were erased from maps, we would probably all just intermix and form a whole new world as we discover each other’s foods, customs, ideas and desires without being afraid of “losing our cultures” or any of the manufactured fears the powers have instilled in us about the “other.”
it’s not even the first time either. every few years they try to stem the flow of arms, and like clockwork the conservatives and gun nuts get it all thrown out. And then they continue to complain about the violence in mexico.
So the cartels, who profit directly from the high demand of drugs by Americans, were given weapons, by Americans, to meet that demand of drugs. They then essentially hijacked the mexican government with those guns and violence in order to keep their drug supply available to Americans, meanwhile destroying hope for peaceful life for many many towns and people in mexico. But it’s the Mexicans trying to escape those problems, once again created by demand in the US, who are the problem?
How very fucking American.
You know who doesn’t have a fentanyl problem? Mexico. They’re not the ones creating demand.
I’m simplifying, I know, but I’m very fucking tired of Mexicans and South Americans being blamed as if the US hadn’t fucked the entire country and almost the entire South American continent over for the last 50 years.
I know I’m probably preaching to the choir here but fuck man I’m just tired.
The exact plan is to make everyone too tired to understand they’re being played against each other.
The average American lives nearly identical lives and has nearly identical axioms, wants and feelings as the average Mexican, the average South American, the average Canadian, etc. The only real differences are superficial and aesthetic, and if we all woke up with amnesia tomorrow, and the borders were erased from maps, we would probably all just intermix and form a whole new world as we discover each other’s foods, customs, ideas and desires without being afraid of “losing our cultures” or any of the manufactured fears the powers have instilled in us about the “other.”
and when Mexico tried to stop the flow of arms, the courts stepped into keep it going.
Wow I had not heard about this, thank you.
it’s not even the first time either. every few years they try to stem the flow of arms, and like clockwork the conservatives and gun nuts get it all thrown out. And then they continue to complain about the violence in mexico.
Because destabilizing mexico so we have an influx of cheap labor has been the point since we were building fucking railroads.
and turning central america into a bunch of plantations for the banana republics dole chiquita etc…
the more I learn about history the more I think: maybe humanity doesn’t deserve to make it.