Probably film stock.
Probably film stock.
Newton: “I have brought practicality and consistency to my new law!”
Einstein: “YOUR new law?”
Newton: “Don’t make me disprove you.”
Oops, my girlfriend started a war with a neighboring kingdom.
Where do I donate to help the asteroid?
It’s the fanciest pasta - always wearing a bow tie.
Do I have to answer this question?
Gold points are earned by buying select Switch games and hardware. You use it to buy stuff online related to the Switch. Nintendo wants to reset everyone’s progress for the Switch 2. If you want to use gold to buy Switch 2 stuff it has to be gold earned buying Switch 2 stuff.
Greedy? Yes. But then again, it’s a rewards program they don’t even have to offer in the first place.
I must be the guy you’re suppose to kill in the tutorial, because I keep getting targeted by n00bs.
That suits me, I just dumped everything I had into renewing my online subscription. Half off.
It feels like this is the only way Nintendo feels comfortable going from a currency system on the Switch to the exact same thing on the Switch 2. Nary the twain shall meet.
They just don’t want to be hounded by anyone about transferring gold from one system to the other.
“Now that you’re the mayor of Vice City, what will you do?”
Put a Cluckin’ Bell on every block!
“Sir, we can’t-”
I own and have watched both multiple times. But excellent advice for anyone reading this who hasn’t.
I don’t know what’s going on here or why that looks like Ron Livingston, but I upvoted it anyways.
Vocal trance.
Four is politics.
Well that got intense towards the end.
America is dead, play it off Keyboard Cat.
Truly the end times are upon us.
That’s his best “My bad.” expression.
The GBA SP is still a fantastic piece of hardware for pocket gaming despite being over 20 years old.