In Nazi diatribe, Trump calls for mass deportations of socialists and communists - eviltoast
    1 year ago

    I will not risk voting third party when a Republican president will do everything in his power to take away my rights and the rights of my trans friends. It’s easy to do that when your rights aren’t on the line, but mine are.

    Please note that I don’t disagree with you. I fucking hate democrats. It’s a garbage party full of garbage candidates with garbage ideas and garbage officials with no spine.

    But these are my rights we’re talking about. This is my actual life. The rights of my friends and loved ones to exist. Right now, right here. I can’t risk that.

    I also don’t really think it’s fair to both-sides this. I don’t disagree with you that democrats are awful (see above) but they’re orders of magnitude less awful than Republicans. At least they’re not trying to turn this country into a theocracy.

    I’ll happily vote third party when my loved ones and I aren’t one election away from a fucking death camp.

      1 year ago

      Then why would did the Democrats not use their brief supermajority to codify protections for abortion, for trans people, etc? Could it be that they don’t actually care about you at all and just need a narrative in order to hold up a sign that says “If you don’t vote for me, look what will happen!”

      They’re playing their role in the Ratchet Effect, and Republicans are playing theirs. All to benefit the same people.

      Also worth mentioning that more people died of COVID during Biden’s administration and police killed more people in 2022 than any other year. While Biden insists we need to “fund the police” and Democrats champion Cop City - are those not just components of a decentralized, country-wide “death camp”?

      It’s not “both sides-ing”, it’s insisting that they are the same side. One actor playing two roles in the same movie.

        1 year ago

        I mean I already said they’re garbage spineless people. Nowhere did I say that they were any good or had any redeemable qualities.

        I don’t think they care about me. I vote for them because they’re not christofascists. They’re not trying to make a literal fucking list of all trans people in the state. They’re not calling me a groomer or calling for the “elimination” of my friends.

        If a third party was a viable option and they had better candidates, I’d vote for them. As it stands, it’s not an option, and telling people who vote D to vote third party instead is a terrible idea, because all it’ll do is increase the likelihood that the Rs will win.

        In fact, telling democrats to vote third party is a known right wing tactic. Very well known in fact.

        1 year ago

        They already said they don’t like the Dems, just that they dislike Republicans more. Which is absolutely valid. One is not doing enough to protect them, the others are actively trying to remove their rights. Both sides are not the same.

        In a different system, I would definitely encourage everyone to vote for a 3rd party. Not being from the US, I do. But in a FPTP system, that’s just not viable. It’s not a vote for the other party, but it’s the same as not voting, or worse if your 1 democratic state is the only one to go 3rd party.

        Until a primary candidate of one of the established parties runs on a platform to change the electoral system, there’s just very little you can do. Which I can only imagine how frustrating it is. I’m not from the US, but I’m invested enough and have close friends living there that I want to see a change as well.