City, village or countryside: where do you want to live? - eviltoast

So I live in a (relatively) big city now. I’m always fascinated by the (social) super structure that is a city, and also by public transport inside cities. I like how life here never stops. You can find things to do at all hours of the day. I like all the weird and strange things the city has to offer.

It also has it’s downsides. It gets busy, polluted, dirty and noisy. There’s an airbnb close to my appartment and the guests party til 6 in the morning sometimes, on weekdays. If you complain, people say ‘you live in a big city, what do you expect?’ like it’s the normal thing to do. I miss nature sometimes.

I think I’ll eventually move to a village. Preferably at sea. But to be young in a city is a blessing at the moment.

  • The perfect living spot for me has to be a few kilometers away from a big city, a distance I can walk to get somewhere that has jobs and cool stuff, while also not having to deal with waking up to car horns