are you spiritual? religious? tell me about your practice :3 - eviltoast

I’d consider myself somewhere between spiritual and maybe kind of pagan, idk

Most of my practice revolves around plants and crystals (no I’m not going to sell you some alternative medicine bullshit, science and spirituality are separate and any mixture doesn’t end well) ex catholic so I burrow small aspects from that but tend to avoid it mostly. Been looking into deities lately but haven’t integrated any into my primary stuff yet.

Also been doing stuff with a tarot deck lately, that’s been fun

    3 months ago

    Hmm… as a Buddhist, the goal is realization that every identity, including ‘human’, is not real. So, I think your first step is pretty spot on actually. Letting go of what is expected of me is certainly my biggest challenge. I am a caregiver by nature and place a lot of pressure on myself to take care of everyone and everything around me, often to my own detriment. Thank you for the reminder.